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Slices vs. Personal


New member
Which would be more convienant and cost efficient to have-slices of pizza or 8" personal size pizzas?
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I depends on what poeple want to buy doesn’t it? If you have tons of foot traffic and customers who are looking for something quick, ready to go slices is going to be the answer. A personal pie is more of a whole meal and takes 10 minutes to serve.
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Well the location in mind is Located in a shopping center right next to a Walmart
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Hi Trey

I guess I am just a pizza addict but I love day old slices of high quality pizza.

George Mills
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You haven’t really given us much info to work with but personal size pizzas generally work better with a lot of dining-in. If your seating is limited or you are mainly take-out, slices are probably your best option.

Really though, one does not exclude the other. If you are going to try personal pies at lunch you need to have them ready to be topped and placed in the oven.
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As a side note Eagle Boys (Australia’s No: 2 franchise) have just launched advertising for their 6" Personal size pizza " for a snack". Their large is 12", with Domino’s and PH <11".
As for someone who has never seen a good looking slice on display, unless it has just been cooked and sliced, I would go for a personal size pizza at 8" in preference to slice. More selling value an dless wasteage.

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Dang I still get a kick out of sizes down there Dave… an 11" or 12" large! :shock: I must ask…if the 6" is personal… what is their small? 7" 😛
There is very little waste in a busy slice location.

The point above that you can do both is a good point.

Slices and personal pies are not an either-or proposition. They are also very different businesses. The personal pie is quick as lunches go, but it is not ready to go. I think that if you are in a good slice location, you will find that personal pies are slower, less profitable and will cost you sales because in a good slice location, people do not want to wait.
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