I really appreciate the feedback…I’m new to the “tank”. Let me further explain my current situation and rationale; I’ll try to be brief. We purchased two stores in 2003 (after leaving the corporate rat race at FedEx as a Ops Manager). Both stores were distressed to say the least! One store (which I sold in 2007) was in a city with a population of 13,000, and the other (which I still own) is in a town of 5000. After a few crazy years, many changes, and an intense learning curve, we doubled and nearly tripled the sales. However, I found I could be much more profitable in the smaller market. Not only do you have more flexibility, you also have an operation that is much more managable, half the hours, less overhead, and virtually no real competition. We consistently pull off FLC’s of 45% with the store being fully staffed, enabling me to stay “on top” of the business and focused on the future. It’s a blessing to be able to make a living with a store, supporting a family of six, that’s open only 40 hours a week! My intention was to acquire additional stores in smaller markets after we sold the other store, but the economy concerned me. Now we have recently paid off our business and feel more secure to expand. Unfortunately, the smaller cities within an hour, typically have populations less than 2000. We would much prefer cities similar to our current store…just wrestling with our options! How small is too small? 3000? 4000? Once again, I appreciate your feedback!!!