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Special Requests

I agree with wa Dave’s attitude, “let the competition deal with with our x difficult customers” on our menu it says “please ,no substitutions” if they insist, no problem i’ll do it but tell them i cannot promise the cooks will get it right. I try to train employees to be consistent in policy whether slow or busy, many times i’ve had customers say “you did that for us last time!” no 3rds no 1/4s no half cooked pizzas, no special sauté items to top a pizza, no salad bar items on pizza or vice versa (gets too crazy),the cooks struggle with busy nights, I do my best to make their job as efficient and smooth as possible, in the long run = more happy customers.
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I have a simple rule: if we can’t do it 100% of the time for 100% of the customers, we won’t do a special request. I do 1/4, 1/2, 1/3 and slices on pizzas but they get charged halfs and whole toppings.
Were we get the most special requests is wings, where they want 20 1/2 one flavor and 1/2 another, we just say there is an extra charge and they basically pay for 2 10’s. We won’t mix wings sauces, but we offer a suggestion that they can have them mixed in one flavor and the other sauce on the side and they can mix them themselves. and we will not bake wings ( I can make them extra saucey and you can throw them in your oven when you get them). so if we are unable to do the special requests we do try to offer suggestions so they can get the food the way they want it.
If I do get lots of requests for certain things I try to figure out a way to put it on the menu—we have a wing sauce because of requests to mix flavors.
A sampler platter I never put on the menu because of the “I want more of this and less of this” nightmare. but the idea listed above where you make your own may be a possibility 🙂 .
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I find if you tell them “Yes, but we charge extra for that” to work better than a “No” unless it’s a ridic request like Georgiascp stated. This way I’m giving them an option. You’re too nice and it’s costing you money/unnecessary stress immediately and later as you vent about it on here. In this case, just say “Yes, but it will come in the same container”. If they ask for more stuff after you ring them up, then say “Yes, but we charge extra for that”. They’ll either understand and say yes or no. Blame the big companies like McDonald’s that give everything away for free! Us little guys can’t afford to do that!
Yes we charge for extras! even if they get them after they order our biggest request is sides of ranch they fly out the door I simply say they are $.50/each how many would you like. Split flavor on an order of wings we can do that but its going to come in the same container. Usually dont have a problem but we let them know up front how it will come. Why dont you keep some of this stuff in your prep table so you dont have to run back and forth.
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I guess it all depends on what exactly they are asking for. I don’t do half and half on a 10pc wings because I have 5pc wings in the system but with your examples of sub in a box - sure, mix sauces - why not, substituting items on a sample platter - list it on the menu as only 1 substitution is allowed and your problem will disappear.

We are in the CUSTOMER SERVICE business selling pizza and the CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE is how we get paid. The reason I am the #1 shop in my markets is because that is what is important. Put up too many hurdles and make it hard for people to do business with you and you will struggle and or be out of business soon.
in my area the 2 busiest indi pizza places( both doing 35+k a week) have the worst customer service!!
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