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SpeedDine or Slice or? Opinions?


New member
I have Speedline and SpeedDine sounds like the best option ($395 setup 'Special' and $109ish per mo. flat fee) as it would most likely be the best at integrating with my Speedline POS, but anyone have reasons why I shouldn't use SpeedDine or why Slice or something else might be better for whatever reason?
SpeedDine is your best option. The menu prices pull from your menu SLM from Speedline. If you really want to, you can still sign up for slice as an ancillary service and have it integrated through itsacheckmate. I personally wouldn't do any 3rd party apps but Speedline and Speeddine are your best bet overall. We've been with Speedline since 2013 and speeddine since 2018.
Thanks Steve, that's what I figured. As for 3rd parties, i want to set up something reasonable with Doordash like when we have too many deliv's or short on drivers, I can just bump it to them. Speedline said they would be integrated into the POS via Checkmate vs. having a separate tablet, etc. I'll be looking into that after I get the SpeedDine outta the way first