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spoon, spoodle or ladle.

What size spoodle do you all use? We use the green (4oz), but have 1 of the black in the shop and have played around with it, would just have to retrain everyone on the new specs with the larger size. I do love the idea of the larger bottom to spread the sauce quicker on the pizzas.
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What size spoodle do you all use? We use the green (4oz), but have 1 of the black in the shop and have played around with it, would just have to retrain everyone on the new specs with the larger size. I do love the idea of the larger bottom to spread the sauce quicker on the pizzas.
We use the 6 oz

2/3 full for a medium
Full for a large
Heaping for an extra large.

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Yup ^^^^
Exactly how I trained people- I’d say “3/4, level and as much as you can get into it for 12,14 &16”
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I can apply 8 oz of sauce to a 16" pie with a ladle in 3 seconds… I tried a spoodle once granted it was a flat bottom spoodle but man it sucked. It took me 20 seconds and i never touched it again…

Pretty sure you could probably apply sauce with a fork enough times to get very good at it. Just saying.

Edit: what I meant above was that “I” sucked with using a spoodle, not that the spoodle itself sucks. I never try and knock something that works! Use what you feel that you can be really good at using with a bit of practice.
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