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Starting my Mailshark today.

I started with mailing 30000 addresses 5 times per year, now I mail them 7 times per year. We don’t mail the more expensive pieces anymore(magnets and scratch offs), just alternate tri fold menus and postcards. After years of 3-5% increases, I’m now seeing double digit increases 3 years in a row.
Based on my past experience 7x a year is just right…We used to mail 6 zones over 6 weeks and then repeat…But we missed 4 weeks mid December to mid-January and every 2nd week over the summer…

And even though I sell fridge magnets I think tri-fold menus offer the best choice if your budget is limited…You need to keep your business “top of mind” or in the case of menus, on the top of the pile on where they save menus…And if money is real tight, share your an 11 x 17 tri-fold with another type of restaurant…It does work and it does help your budget…
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So 30,000 X 5 = 150000 mailing per year = 50k @ 0.36/magnet, when you started off?

That seems to require a lot of courage to pull the trigger on.
It was a bit cheaper than that as the price is based on the pieces you mail, the magnet being the most expensive one they offer. Yes it was a big commitment but I had already been doing EDDM and knew that the trifold menus worked. I was just never consistent with the EDDM and way too often found excuses to not mail this week. I had also recently stopped another marketing program that I had been spending between $700-1200 per month on so that helped fund part of this. In all, I budget 5% of sales for all of my marketing including boxtoppers, magnets, Christmas cards, local coupon publications and Mailshark.
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All the cool people are doing it… Been thinking about doing this for years, so I’m finally getting the ball rolling. I like that it’s slow and steady and also relatively fire and forget.
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I start in a few weeks- 1000/week for 10 weeks. Small area and worth the shot. Been open 3 weeks so, we’ll see.
I was a big mailer as a Domino’s franchisee.
But, I did see a drop in ROI over the years and we rarely got the “pop” when we’d drop 10K cards. But still worthwhile X/year.
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I started off mailing 1000 pieces/week 7 or 8 years ago. I then increased to 2000/week. Eventually 3000/week. And finally last year I went to 4000/week. It is the best marketing I have done. I spend half of my budget each year on my mailshark mailings, but my sales have gone up nearly 300% since I started. Great company, great product, and great people. I can’t imagine working with a better company to help me grow my business.
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Let us know how it goes. I’ve thought about using them, but their prices scare me 🙂

Is everyone getting a big enough increase in business to justify the expense of using them?
Same here. I’ve been holding back since they seem so pricey. Does anyone know if they have a booth at the Pizza Expo in Vegas? I wonder if they have any deals at that time.

Good luck to you. Would be interested in hearing how it goes.
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The pricing isn’t that bad. You figure eddm costs about 18 cents per piece. A 11x17 menu (if you get 10,000 from a competitor) is about 12 cents each (shipped). Their pricing is $220 for 500 pcs per week. 44 cents apiece. So they are charging about a 50% markup per piece. But they are doing all the legwork for you. We don’t use them for this. We use their boxtoppers. We do eddm ourselves, have been for 7 years. It all depends if you can be disciplined enough to get your pieces printed and taken to the post office every week.

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my sales are no where near these other guys, but I have been using these guys for 2 years now and can honestly say they are the best people to work with. I saw a 20% increase in sales after the 1st 6 months. my sales were running like 4500-5000 a week now we running over 6k every week w/o a miss my address count is like 5000 so I mail 500 a week and hit each house twice in the 10 week run, so I am spending 3.3% on advertising which worth every penny no hassle no fuss
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Just received their flyer in the mail today and was wondering how this has been working out for you so far.

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Just received their flyer in the mail today and was wondering how this has been working out for you so far.

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We just finished a 10 week program at 2 locations. We mailed 1250 of the double fold magnets each week at each location.
These locations were averaging a 6% increase over the prior year before the campaign. The increase steadily rose to 15% over the course of the 10 weeks. The mailers were in home on Wednesdays and we saw the bulk of the sales increases on Friday-Saturday and Sunday nights. Nothing noticeable during the day. We finished 2 weeks ago so currently I’m watching to see if we maintain the higher volume. So far so good.
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What increase are you seeing at your locations that did not use Mailshark?
They have both been a bit on the flat side. About 4% up on average this year. It’s all bit wonky because because Easter was 2 weeks earlier than last. Much our base are catholic and lent affects our Friday’s. They both started the mailers last week.

From my best estimates the campaign added $3500 a week in sales to each location.

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