I have been cooking with my home brick oven for a couple years now and I have just incorporated a pizza company here in Vancouver, Canada and I am looking for a place to lease(approx 1000 sq.ft). Everyone loves my pizza and I decided to open a shop since I love making it and eating it as well. I am quite handy so I have made 38 chairs as well as 15 tables to go with them and they look very nice and rustic… perfect for what I want to do. I will also have a brick oven place and I am wondering a few things. I 24 hr cold ferment my dough and I was wondering between dough and ingredients how much fridge space would I need? Basically, I am interested in knowing what my best setup is. I would like to have a nice front bar in front of the brick oven but close enough to the window the entrance to capture the eye of foot traffic as well as to accomadate take way. I am estimating in the beggining around 75 pizzas sold daily. I hope to increase that and want to have a good layout. I would like to know what people suggest. Should I keep some of the cold doughs handy under the inside counter and then have some in a large fridge in the back. How much room would I need. I dont think I have to freeze much but just wanting to know what people in the business can help me forsee. I am also thinking about going with a 60qt. mixer and Point of Success POS, what does everyone think? I would really appreciate any advice to get my project going and so I can finish up this business plan.