Stick and Save or Magnets


New member
I have always used magnets as a giveaway/promotion tool but am now looking at “stick and Save” Has anyone used them? How did it work for you? which did you think works better?
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I got my samples from stick-n-save and adeas printing today. The quality of the stick-n-save blows adeas printiing out of the water. Stick-n-save is very similar to the monster magnets (perforated coupons, thick stock, etc…) and adeas printing is more like a nice flyer with glue on the back. Stick-n-save will run you about 13 cents for a jumbo size card and adeas will be around 7 cents. For what it is worth I think the stick-n-save product is worth the extra money of course I have been wrong before.
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Stick n save is junk.

One of our competitors uses them and they fall off the doors easily. Stay away from this product.
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I just used the stick n saves on a blustery fall day winds 20 -30 mph and only one blew off
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These will be direct mailed so I am not to worried about how they would stick to an outdoor surface. I am more interested in how they work was the ROI worth it would you use them again did it get you noticed etc.
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