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Stirring the delivery debate...again...

Absolutely, but with credit card transactions there is no gray area as to who is receiving the charge (and why.)
I own the store and the vehicles therefore I receive the charge for the service my store provides. No gray area there.
Another thing too. I don’t understand why someone picking up an order would ask for a discount. Did the inside person not quote the price on the phone? To me, this is the same as person trying to “bargain” with the driver at the door. The price is the price.
PPG you are reading things I did not write. I did not write the customer asked when they arrived at the store. They were asking for a discount because they plan to pick up their order. No surprise that you did not understand since you have a history of reading between the lines and taking things way out of context. After all you were told this thread has nothing to do with the drivers yet you insist on making it so.
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My drivers are paid very well…

It is great that you point out that you are making the same as in 1997. So are the insiders! And all on pizza prices that are the same as in 1991!!!

So cry me a river somewhere else.
Riiiiiiight… (And by the way, I don’t make the same amount as I made in 1997. I’m not that stupid. I moved on. )

Why are your prices the same as in 1991? Are your costs the same as in 1991? No, you just take it out on the employees. Your post proves it.
My post only proves how stupid I am for being part of a regional franchise chain that wants to battle on price. My employees get the maximum and truth be told get more than most of my competitors. But you’ve moved on making you an expert on what happens in MY business.

My guess (and yes this is just a guess and unlike you I wont try to make it sound like a commandment written on a stone tablet) is you worked for Pizza Hut? It is the only explaination for your narrow pointed view of the “DRIVER DEBATE”.
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I so glad to see this this thread stay on topic. (where is that sarcasm font when you need it)

Obviously there is an expense associated with delivery that is not there on a carry out order. That is one of the reasons LC can do the $5.00 deal and survive. (I know there are many other factors, but a 50% reduction in labor that does not impact the product doesn’t hurt)

I used to do free delivery when gas was less than $1.50/gal but with the rising cost of everything, I am paying my drivers 3 times as much per delivery as I was back then, in addition to at or above the full minimum wage for all hours worked in the store or on the road. BTW, have you seen the cost of tires in the last few years? I do not believe most customers are turned off by the fee because reasonable people know you are incurring an additional expense.

If one customer expects you to take the pizza out of the oven, put in in the box, cut it and hand it to him, and the other expects you to then put it in a bag and pay someone to drive it to his house and then drive back, the second guy should be willing to pay more, and if not he/she is totally unreasonable.

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I thought this was supposed to be a forum for people in the pizza business to share ideas and help each other with problems we may encounter in the pizza business. I do not find it helpful at all to read the postings of someone who continues to try to hit all of us in the head with the same message over and over. Someone please lock this and if you don’t have something to offer us, don’t post the same old same old.
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as a side note, specific person’s posts can be ignored by marking that person as a “foe”. That’s done in your User Control Panel.
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Sometimes it’s just the wording that affects customer behavior, such as a “pickup discount” instead of a “delivery charge.” Everyone loves a discount, no one like a charge.

I hate seeing airline ticket advertising for $200 round-trip tickets, only to find out the “fuel surcharge” and “security fees” come to $240 more than the ticket price. Grrrrr. Just tell me how much it costs! :mrgreen:

Good luck with the new place, Patriot’sPizza.
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No, PPG…you just don’t ‘get it’…

This is a thread about marketing free delivery vs charging for delivery…
Sad, very sad…

Left in normal type, for those that can read & understand…


Let’s lock the thread…thank you…
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