If lilian is using the Caputo 00 Pizzeria flour, that flour has a protein content of 11.5-12.5%. With 80% All Trumps and 20% Caputo 00, the “effective” protein content would be around 13.7% (using the mid-range of the 00 flour).
I agree that 0.125% IDY does not sound like a lot, but lilian is fermenting the dough at room temperature and it doesn’t really take a lot of yeast for an 8-hour room-temperature fermentation. In saying this, I assume that her finished dough temperature is in the proper range and that her room temperature is normal. I read recently of a fellow in the UK who is making a NY style dough (but using a combination of French flour and bread flour) and he uses 0.026% IDY for a 20-hour room-temperature fermentation. Neapolitan doughs often use similar quantities of yeast for similar fermentation periods, but the yeast is usually in the form of fresh yeast.
If lilian is using the Caputo 00 Pizzeria flour, that flour has a protein content of 11.5-12.5%. With 80% All Trumps and 20% Caputo 00, the “effective” protein content would be around 13.7% (using the mid-range of the 00 flour).
I agree that 0.125% IDY does not sound like a lot, but lilian is fermenting the dough at room temperature and it doesn’t really take a lot of yeast for an 8-hour room-temperature fermentation. In saying this, I assume that her finished dough temperature is in the proper range and that her room temperature is normal. I read recently of a fellow in the UK who is making a NY style dough (but using a combination of French flour and bread flour) and he uses 0.026% IDY for a 20-hour room-temperature fermentation. Neapolitan doughs often use similar quantities of yeast for similar fermentation periods, but the yeast is usually in the form of fresh yeast.
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