I dont know how long I’ll stay ay my main job. I work for my family business in the construction field. Leaving is going to cause alot of tension. This pizzeria did about 300K last year. I feel that this shop should easily do 500K . But as Im seeing, running it as a full time job is going to be more about controlling costs. My costs ( food and labor) are all over the place right now. I think cost control is a more attainable goal to set, thana weekly number. Because, regardless of your sales, costs truely drive your profitablity. Once my costs are in check, it will then be more justified to move to fulltime at the shop. Dont get me wrong, I still spend about 60 hours per week at the shop. Its the family time, going to the gym, and some sleep that has been cut out.
I used to get up at 4:30 3 days a week, work out and be to my day job at 6:30, Home at 5:30 hanging with the family. Now, Its up at 7 am everyday, work by 8am, Straight to the shop till close. During the week home by 11, the weekends, home by midnight. Latley with the POS problems, Ive had nights till 1 or 2 am. Back to bed and do it again. I bowl on Monday nights and then straight to the shop. My older brother and I are partners he is pretty much doing the same with his day job too. We realize that eventually we can split up the daily tasks, but until we are both at 100% competent with the shop, we are there learning by doing.
As for insurance, I assume you mean health insurance. I am blessed that my wife has a great job in corporate America and we pay for our healthcare through her employer.