I think you are right that it creates a pressure on us guys who are not price-focused business model. We will certainly lose some business to the $6 and $10 pizza deal guys. The key to survival, I believe, is to stay true to the brand and business model we have developed. If we can make some bundles and cost-reduced specials to help our custoer base, they need to be connected to our overall plan and concept.
My shop is developed and priced for higher position product than the econo-shops like Dom, LC, PH and PJ. We are built for long term stability of loyal customers and people seeking value for their dollars. Sure, we have been hit by the economic realities of higher prices on cheese, chicken and other products over the last year. We make considered, strategic business decisions based on our business plan and marketing plan. We have modified it and rethought some product development and expansion recently . . . . but buying food on the cheap to reduce our pricing would kill us.
I am not set up to mow out the volume it would take to be profitable. We are positioned in the marketplace for a different, more stable customer base. Price wh*res will follow the lowest price coupon, regardless of who prints it and what the pizza is. If your business and market is such that you can power buy to reduce you food cost per unit and run an uber-lean operation to minimize overhead, then you might be able to swim in the cheap pizza pool. Most independents are head to head with the nationals who are just to big a competitor in terms of marketing muscle, national recognition and brand familiarity.
These are business elements that we can maximize and win head to head comparison to the econo-shops. Volume production business models cannot meet the same expectations of food quality and service excellence, due to their ultra lean margins. Do what you do better than they do what they do. You may still die, but you will have a better chance of surviving playing your “game” than competing against their “game”.