Termination Form?


New member
Do any of you use a form or document when terminating employment?

If you do would you be willing to send me a copy.

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i just tell them, “heres your check, you don’t work here anymore”. And 90% just leave without question. The other 10% I go in depth on how they screwed up. :shock:
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We have a form for written warnings which describes the issue and states that further problems along the same lines may result in termination. The employee has to sign it. We do not use a form for termination. We just enter the date in the POS system in the employee file area and keep the written warnings on file to support the issue if it comes up for work-comp. So far (9 years) it never has.
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I have a termination form. It’s the same as our write up form. We circle which one it is. I state the reason they are leaving, voluntary or involuntary, and if at all possible I have them sign it. They fill out an exit interview at the same time. 95% of the people sign it without thinking. I even had a guy that I fired because he showed up drunk to work (delivery driver), he swore he wasn’t drunk, but he still signed the form saying that he was terminated because he came drunk to work. It kind of leaves few questions for unemployement that way.
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I don’t know if this will fit your needs, I got this from the online template section of Microsoft Office.

I assume you could just re-word this as meets your needs.


[Your Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Current Date]

[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

We regret to inform you that your employment with [Company Name] is being terminated, effective [date]. Your termination is the result of poor performance as outlined below:

• [Performance issue]
• [Performance issue]
• [Performance issue]
You were issued written warnings of these performance problems on [date], [date], and [date]. Copies of these warnings, signed by you, are in your personnel file. Your signature on each warning indicates that you discussed it with your manager, including steps you could take to improve performance.

As stated in your final warning, you needed to take steps to correct your performance by [date]. Your failure to do so has resulted in your termination.

To appeal this termination, you must return written notification of your intention to appeal to [Name] in Human Resources no later than [time] on [date].
[Your Name]
cc: [Manager Name]
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no form, I just tell them that they’ve been voted off the island. Document everything on POS (missed shifts, warnings, etc). Have had only 3 unemployment claims in 12 years - 2 were denied after I supplied documentation, the 3rd would have been, but I felt bad & let it slide (single mom, 2 kids, go ahead, call me a wuss)
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NY Pizza…Sometimes having a “heart” is good for business…
I agree, but more important to me, at least, is not to add to my woes when I look in the mirror every morning :shock:
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i got mine from my local DOL. maybe look at the county’s website for separation notice forms
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