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Text messaging Marketing- Boostly

Has anyone tried text message marketing? I'm not looking for opinions about whether it's intrusive or not, or your thoughts on it; I just want to hear from people who have used it and how successful they have been. What types of offers have worked best for you?

I'm considering Boostly, its .08 per text. Does anyone else have any better options?
I've been using them since last May. We have done very well from them. We have done direct mail and email marketing for years, but the text marketing seems to catch the eye of the younger, on the go crowd. Well worth the money.
I have been doing text marketing since 2018. Previously using eztexting and currently use slick text. .08 seems really high. I pay .017 per.
I’m curious as well. I had a meeting with boostly. They use your current customer list. I thought there was a way to get new customers through it. But I guess it’s a great way to get specials out there. Is there any specific text that works good and drives the most sales?