Text messaging marketing

I wouldn’t consider it as I have had text messages come onto my phone some hours after it was sent. Different carrirers vary in times from sending to the receiver getting it. Don’t know why but it happens.

PLUS … if you are like me I tend to miss a lot of calls because I’m so busy, and who wants staff playing with mobile phones while at work. It will only encourage them to get their own out pretending to be looking for text orders.

Sorry a minefield for my liking.

And I HATE text messaging. I rate it as rude as farting in public.

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I have collected cell numbers from the draws that I have held but have not done any marketing yet. I am not sure of how the customers will react to this type of messages.

I have thought on slow nights it would be a way to let customers know of specials.
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We will have opt in text messaging for delivery notifications, specials, and the like.
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We plan on doing text messaging as soon as we catch up on some things . . .

Customers will have to opt into it in order to receive them. I would not think of sending them otherwise – especially since if your service plan does not include them they would be charged. They can always opt out late if they like just like any other marketing program.

Never experienced delayed text messages or even heard of it happening . . .

I really like the idea because you could just be sitting there some night with sales really off and just send out some texts. Firefly can do it from within the POS.
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The Staff wouldnt be involved in any way in the text messaging I would collect the numbers and I would send out the offer once a week. I wouldnt be doing any orders on text it would only be a marketing tool. The people that text in would know they would get a special offer once a month and I am told the prgram to send is instant. If people want out they can get out at any time.
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The people I would target would know what they are signing up for. I would market it by box topping and in store as well as billboard signage some thing like “Join our VIP club for special offers and a chance to win free pizza, Text PIZZA to ######” I think it could work this way
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Will you be able to send one message to many numbers at one time? Or will it be a process to send it to each cell number?
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How would that happen if my computer(s) is not connected to a phone line or internet connection?
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Its a feature with Firefly which is connected already for credit card processing. I would assume under a Google search there would be outside services available but haven’t checked. . .
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Whoever is checked as part of the plan in your POS would get the messages all at once.
Ah. I thought the above bolded was about my POS . . .as in mine or maybe any POS. Now I understand you’re referring to a specific feature of Firefly. I am slow to pick it up sometimes. It’s those possessive pronouns that throw me off a lot of times.
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I think what you are talking about is different then what I would like to try. I imagine the pos system has a place for Cell numbers home numbers addresses and email addresses so you could do a broadcast (same message different people) text to these people but what I want to do is have them sign up for it by texting “JPSPIZZA” to ###### that way they have given me permission to send them something.
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We were discussing the program for people who “opted” in. I don’t think anyone here has any intention of just broadcasting to every number on file. Firefly has a check box for people who want to be on the program.
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So how do you send it out through Firefly? The way I am looking at it you give them a short code (5-6 numbers) the text Pizza to that number and your offer is sent to them. Once you have the number then you use the software these companies give you and put an offer in and send it off it also tracks who looks at them who doesnt who calla back etc. Can you do this with your pos?
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I actually have not used it yet but I know there is a box to check for each customer in your data base. As I understand it, there is a place to type in a message and then you hit a button to send it out to everyone with the checked box. The text is then tracked by the offer you set up in the pos. It does not wait for any kind of response via another text.[/i]
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