Thank you Boatnut & PMQ'ers!! A visit...


New member
Boatnut! Thank you so much for stopping by my humble shop! It was incredible to have another pmq’er/pizzeria owner come and check out my operation! He stayed for a couple of hours and I really appreciate it. Shared some of his information and just plain ole visited. It was so nice! Again, thanx for taking time out of your schedule and stopping by.

In this competitive environment it is so nice to have people to bounce stuff off of. I do not know where I would be without pmq, from the small things of having somewhere to rant, to the large stuff…STAFF, MARKETING, MAJOR DEPRESSION!

Thanx Boatnut, and thanx EVERYONE!!
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That is “cool”…I had a chance to talk with Clive earlier this week and he is a true gentleman…I think that is the living close to Victoria influence…I will get out your way one these days…I am usually so pressed for time when I get there…

Also, I told a few other Canucks about this board and I am hoping they will join us…
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I have to agree that it is nice to visit with fellow PMQ Think Tankers. I was able to stop in to see pizzaguy last month. I enjoyed the time so much I think I overstayed my welcome and made him late for his town council meeting.
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Gee I wonder how many other ThinkTankers are on a municipal council…Nick and I are also on councils…
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It is interesting how many are already on a municipal council, and here I am seriously thinking of running in the next election!!!
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I have to agree that it is nice to visit with fellow PMQ Think Tankers. I was able to stop in to see pizzaguy last month. I enjoyed the time so much I think I overstayed my welcome and made him late for his town council meeting.
Nope I wasnt late! I always give myself an extra 1/2 hour to be at my meetings cause I usually am running 15-20 minutes late lol so I was there right on time. I just wish we could have spent more time together I was just starting to hear all your secrets hehe
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