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the Waffle Frie Pie

Not to confuse things, but back to the pie . . . 🙂 What’s your food cost for that one? I see lots of cheese and bacon. Chock full of flavor, and curious about cost. Personally, I’d brush Olive Oil on the crust as a base because I love a good, assertive alive oil with potatoes. Serve with a side of sour cream and a side of tomato sauce (Brown Gravy for those lunatic Canucks). I’ll bet Ranch Dressing is a huge hit as an upsell for this pie as well.

Cripes, I may have to make something like this for myself this weekend.
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give or take 5 bucks. Thats in the box on the way. I use ABOUT a pound of cheese total between the two. that pie was a large 16inch…it costs 19.50. Just about 25%

Nick I cant stress enough. SEASONED CROSS TRAX SKIN ON. the unseasoned version is terrible. We call it the waffle frie pie. Add sour cream and green onion and its a potato skin pizza.
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Got it! there an upcharge for that Potato skin pie? Or just make up for it with a 1/4 lb less cheese or something. 🙂

Add some beanless chili and maybe some jalapenos, and you get a chili-cheese fry pie.

LAST EDIT, I PROMISE: Is that product actually: McCain redstone canyon® cross trax® ??
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Nick, Nick, Nick…

I am about to lose all respect for you

Why in the world would anyone put beanless chili on pizza. The beans add another dimension to the taste, the texture and the visual appeal… Come on now, don’t let me down here.

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Im not sure of the exact product name on mccains line. I use restaurant depots house brand. Cheaper and its the same product.

Let me know how the chili goes.
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Rick G:
Why in the world would anyone put beanless chili on pizza. The beans add another dimension to the taste, the texture and the visual appeal… Come on now, don’t let me down here.
Rick, Rick, Rick . . . . all right minded individuals know that chili is meant to be beanless. Oh, it may be served OVER kidney or pinto beans . . . but is in and of itself a non-legume infested food. Now, if you want to grind up some beans to add texture and thickness, we would be none the wiser . . . but the beans just fall off the french fries.
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I’ll defer to you on that one Nick, I thought the no beans thing was a regional thing, kind of like Cinci serving it on pasta but I am just a old process engineer slinging food 'cause I got tired of getting laid off.

I made a few waffle fry pies when it was mentioned here a couple of weeks ago but I don’t have a fryer so I cooked the fries in the converyor like everything else I do. It was pretty good, I will be trying it again after I have seen how it’s made on the video.

Another one to try is the Loaded Potato Pizza from the recipe bank. I make it for the employees sometimes using just instant garlic mashed potatoes instead of homemade and they love it.
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Rick G:
I’ll defer to you on that one Nick, I thought the no beans thing was a regional thing, kind of like Cinci serving it on pasta but I am just a old process engineer slinging food 'cause I got tired of getting laid off.
I am no expert on chili, but I have strong preferences. Especially the chili-cheese-fries. There are rules in my CCF universe 🙂 Sling that food! Might try the baking thing for the waffle fries if I get case to owrk with. May try to get a case of some waffle fry from my main supplier next week and test.
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