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Tip Jar

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What do you think about putting a tip jar out for the “to go” customers?
as a customer, I have little appreciation of them, kind of a negative flavor on the mind, just my one opinion,
a tip jar can look very ‘small time’ if you will… If someone wants to leave a tip, they will leave one regardless of a tip jar. Maybe place a small, nicely typed sign on the front of the register encouraging tips on to-go orders, but I wouldn’t place a jar on the counter. Also, remember, they are probably picking up because they don’t want to tip–or they would have had delivery!
Tip jars are tacky (in my opinion). Any reference to tips is tacky (such as the table-side magicians with “I work for tips” buttons). Tips are for good service, and in this day and age, the only way a server can make decent money. There is nothing to “tip” for in a carry-out situation. Everyone there is making at least minimum wage and no special service was given. Tips should never be expected and IMHO a tip jar is showing that the staff expects tips.
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This is a touchy subject at my store. I feel that a tip jar is tacky however I do have a take a penny /leave a penny dish that ends up being used as a tip jar. There are some customers that insist on tipping even though my store is carry out and delivery. The company that I have my credit/debit card machine through has set up the machine with a tip function and about 20% of the customers leave a tip even though I suggest they bypass the tip function.
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I have to disagree with you guys. The tip jar at our slice location (counter service/carryout) averages about $4 per hour PER EMPLOYEE. When we are busy enough to have four in the kitchen the tip jar takes in about $15-$20 per hour which is huge for the guys working there and leads to no recruiting problems for me.

At our larger delivery/cary out location the tip jar does nor produce as much, but is maybe enough for the first round of beers for the crew after work.

Tip jars are all over town here.
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Personally, I have never like them and don’t tip at carry-out places. As mentioned above, I choose carry-out to avoid the full-service price (tips). However, where we are every business has a tip jar except for fast food. Customers “do” ask that we have one and find it offending if we don’t (as if we are slighting our employees). Customers throw money in the jar and add tips on their credit cards.

The employees like it and it does provide incentive for them. The tips are always bigger when certain employees are working.

In the end we put our own personal feelings aside and put out tip jars. Make them nice and within your decor. Old cups with handwritten signs are tacky. Putting signs out stating “tips are appreciated” is tacky.
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In the end we put our own personal feelings aside and put out tip jars. Make them nice and within your decor. Old cups with handwritten signs are tacky. Putting signs out stating “tips are appreciated” is tacky.
I agree so what is used now for a “tip jar” in my store is a beer glass my sister-in-law had made in Mexico with the name of my store on it. There is no mention of tips any where people just drop money in it.
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We get people leaving small change from time to time with some asking if we have a tip jar. Ours is under the counter and is marked “staff tip jar” so staff know any tips goes in there. If I do deliveries and get tips I put them in the jar for the kids.

I don’t really want to put a jar on the counter as we are mainly delco and do some dine in - order at counter, staff bring out style. In Australia people only tend to tip at restaurants when they get good service and the expectation to tip is not as strong as in the US. Having a tip jar can also lead to a perception that the staff do not get paid enough, something we don’t want especially as we are at the upper end of the price range.

I did see a funny sign on a tip jar one time “If you afraid of change … leave it here for our staff”

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What do you think about putting a tip jar out for the “to go” customers?
Hello jshaw,I have to also disagree w/ everyone.We put a jar on our counter that we did for years,it reads any tip is appreciated,Thank You.
this brings in on an average about 50-70.00 a day 350.00 a week 1400.00 a month and so on.So with that being said lets not worry about how ‘tacky’ it looks because you can’t take tacky to the bank!
                               Niccademo         {keep your dough off da cieling}
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What do you think about putting a tip jar out for the “to go” customers?
So with that being said lets not worry about how ‘tacky’ it looks because you can’t take tacky to the bank!

Niccademo {keep your dough off da cieling}
We wrestled with this issue for about 6 months, then went ahead and put one out after several people gave us tips. Everyone knows that if yuo tip me or my wife for table service, delivery, whatever, it goes to the kitchen staff. We have regualr customers who will remind us that we forgot to put the jar out and put in their $5 bill as soon as it hits the table. We have used a variety of things and always put it discretely out so as not to be looming in front of customers.

By the by, take out customers tip us for friendly and prompt service at the counter.Not so many tips on hours when we get slammed and orders take 35 minutes plus to come out of the kitchen. Amounts come and go . . . but our employees appreciate the $$$ that they can take to the bank.
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we have one on the counter in front of the POS…fetches about $40/day…way I look at it is more $ = happier employees = less headaches…if they want to tip great - if not that is fine too
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If people REALLY wanted to tip, wouldn’t they do so anyway - without the tip jar?

IMO, a “tip jar” is somewhat of an extortion device. Makes people feel like they are supposed to tip, feel bad if they don’t tip - in a situation where tipping is NOT customary.

Tipping for quick service at a counter? Please, give me a break. OF COURSE I should get quick service at a counter. You don’t see a tip jar at the counter at McDonalds or at the grocery store cashier, or most anywhere else.

Of course employees like it - heck, I’ll take any cash I can get too. But I won’t do it at the expense on making my customers feel uncomfortable.
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Is the jar there for the convenience of your customers?

Not to argue, but I’m back to my wondering why a jar is needed in the first place. If people want to show their appreciation to your cooks, etc (which of course is great) - then wouldn’t they do so without a jar being there?
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Registered Guest:
Not to argue, but I’m back to my wondering why a jar is needed in the first place. If people want to show their appreciation to your cooks, etc (which of course is great) - then wouldn’t they do so without a jar being there?
You would think so. Due to the ubiquity of such jars everywhere else, they keep asking us about one. So, we provided one.
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come one some of you guys, leaving a buck in a tip jar really hurts that bad? I think is funny how somebody said they get carry out so they don’t have to tip LOL… I agree with putting a tip jar because now day people like to tip, they do it as a form of appreciation and also as a thank you for making a good meal… just cuz there’s a tip jar, doesn’t mean u have to tip… is there for whoever wants to give…thats all… nobody needs to feel stupid if they don’t tip… also a lot of customers use the tip jar to get rid of spared change, I personally do that a lot when I go to places, always tip and also leave the coins there cuz I hate carrying coins in my pocket… the only time I don’t tip is when u go to places that have signs everywhere telling u to tip and stupid comments that will make u feel stupid for not tipping…thats being greety…
To me, having a jar on the front counter is the same as asking each customer for a tip. IMO I would consider that to be rude and would not the kind of service I want to offer my customers.

If a customer wants to tip, they can put the tip in the hands of the employee that they want to tip.
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As mentioned in a previous post I have a beer glass from Mexico that has become the tip jar. This glass was hand painted and I was kind of proud of it so I put it on display on my counter with pens in it. It wasn’t long before I noticed people were dropping money in the glass even when it had pens in it. This just goes to show there are people who have the desire to tip and will do it without putting signs or labels on jars.

I personally think putting a label on a jar to attract tips is tacky.
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