to dr tom what is your choice of flour

Oh…lets see. A lot will depend upon the type of pizza I’m wanting to mak. For example, a New York style pizza is best made with a high protein flour such as All Trumps (14%+, King Kaiser 14%+, Progressive Baker Hummer 14%, Progressive Baker Gibraltar 13.5%, Remarkable 13.5%, or even High Power 13%, just to name a few. These might be too strong for a deep dish pizza, resulting in an overly tough, chewy crust so in this application a lower protein flour such as Washburns 12%+, Full Strength 12%+, H&R Bread & Pizza 11.8%, Harvest King 12%, Bun Hur 12%,Progressive Baker Qualitate 12.3%+, Progressive Baker Bread 11.5%+,Big Loaf 12%+, Sureloaf 12%+, would be more appropriate.
If you want a single flour that can be used for just ablut any type of pizza application use one of the flours within the 12% protein content range. We do this at our annual pizza seminar where we make a “master dough” using a 12%+ protein content flour for all pizza applications. Keep in mind that this is just a partial listing of the different types of flour available to you. Many flour suppliers are not knowledgable in the protein content of the flour they sell, but they can cross reference the flour by trade (bag) name, so if your flour supplier doesn’t have one of the flours listed above, they should be able to provide you with a comparabole flour from another supplier.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I just mixed a couple of batches with GM Harvest King, per Tim Huff’s reccommendation that it is the closest they have to “00”
it sure mixed and handled well, we’ll see,
Actually, I think their King Wheat flour at 11%+ protein content would be a closed match than Harvest King at 12%+ protein content.
Tom Lehmann/TDD
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thanks Tom, I’ll try the King Wheat next,.how much less water, a whole % ?

also, GM prices are much better than the Caputo are over twice the price
yeah but there is a reason caputo is expensive… of course it won’t do you any good unless you are baking over 800 degrees anyway… below that better to go with “normal” flours…
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