To serve fountain drinks or bottled drinks?


New member
I’ve read some people say that fountain drinks are no longer profitable. I’ve read other people say that they are still very profitable. Which way to go? Seems like more expense, as far as equipment and supplies and keeping it clean…etc…etc… Was thinking of letting the Coke man set a cooler in the place, stock it with bottles or cans, and sell them for about 1.50 each. I can get a great cost on them. Also gonna be selling MONSTER Energy drinks. I’m in a town with a huge ATV crowd. We have a trailhead for the Hatfield/McCoy Trail about a mile from me. ATV’s are more popular on the streets than cars. And the whole half of town I’m opening on is about all rental property. I am thinking of selling the bottles and cans as to have something that they can buy 3 or 4 of when they are leaving to throw into a cooler and take with them on the trail.
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We offer both, Coke in bottles and Pepsi in fountain. As far as set up cocts, both soda coolers and fountain dispensers are set up by Coke and Pepsi at no cost. We make a pretty good profit on our fountain drinks.
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we had both bottles and fountain drinks we are carry out only after about 2 months we got rid of fountain machine to me it was a pain in the arse was messy, sticky we dont have an ice machine so had to keep cooler with ice bags nother expense or buy ice machine our supplier sucked that dropped of the tanks so we just do bottles 20oz. up here is kinda weird people just want bottles, quick easy when we put our dine in area in will probally consider fountain again but with different co. we do really well with sweet tea in cups .
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also what are you guys paying for a case of 20oz bottles off the truck deliverd? we are paying 16.00 per case of 24 but to get that price we have to sell them at .99 otherwise we pay 18.00 a case but they supply the coolers.
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I am not quite sure on bottles yet…but I was really looking at cans. I can get 3 12 packs for 10 bucks. Works out to about .28 per can and I can sell them for a buck. People in this area seem to prefer them. Some of the other local restaurants are using cans as well.
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I do all takeout but have the fountain just cause I have so many employees. We actually sell a decent amount too. We also do 20 oz. and 2 liters too. The kids will make any pop profits disappear FAST when they don’t pay for 20 oz. drinks. As far as equipment goes as far as I know there is no cost. Actually they pay me to sell Pepsi. Also, how is that Hatfield/McCoys? I was thinking about coming down there in the fall. Any recomendations for hotels?

I pay $15.75 for 20 oz.
$8.90 for 2l
$56.95 for BIB 5 galons…Where are you guys at?

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Dayum! you guys are cheap on 20oz. pepsi. in california, they are $26 per 24case or 24.75 on sale. i just go to the Sam’s club. they got 24oz. 24 per case for$10.
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