Total costs of adding fryer and ventilation system

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Does anyone have a ballpark figure on the cost of adding a standard fryer (2 baskets) with a ventilation, hood, and fire suppresion? One person told me 20K and another told me 5K. Not sure which is more accurate.
Depends on the size of the hood and simplicity of installation, through a wall, up through the roof, length of ducting ect…

I would ballpark you more in a 8k - 12k range. For a 5ft - 8ft hood.
The cost for a 3ft - 4 ft hood isn’t that great of a savings and when you want to add more fryers or cooking equipment under there you’ll have the space.

About the only way to know for sure is to get an estimate :?
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Wing Man:
Depends on the size of the hood and simplicity of installation, through a wall, up through the roof, length of ducting ect…

I would ballpark you more in a 8k - 12k range. For a 5ft - 8ft hood.
The cost for a 3ft - 4 ft hood isn’t that great of a savings and when you want to add more fryers or cooking equipment under there you’ll have the space.

About the only way to know for sure is to get an estimate :?
Buy more hood than you expect to need. My original hood estimate was for 8 footer: $9500 (we had . . . issues . . . for installation). For $11,000, I got the 10 footer. Had I gone small, and just added on when I needed more, it would have cost about $4000+ to add a 4 foot hood later! Figure about $1000 per foot of installed hood system. Fryer would be whatever you could get a deal for. Probably get a used one less than $1K.

Definitely get two or three estimates. Three is best, and have them physically look at your location to avoid ‘surprises’ to anyone (like three roof lines on top of each other).
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I was able buy pretty much the whole setup for about $600. I bought a 10 foot hood at a restaurant auction for $200 along with the exhaust fan for $10, and three digital Pitco Frymaster gas fryers with an ansul system with it at another restaurant auction for $400. When I open my next location I will install the hood and fan myself. I’ll need to have a company come in and hook up the ansul system for me. You can find really good deals at restaurant auctions. At auctions in my area, used fryers usually go for around $200 or less and used fans are a dime a dozen. I got real lucky when I got the 3 digital ones so cheap. Unless you are getting everything new, I would check out some local restaurant auctions in your area and also try Ebay.
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I’m going through the process right now. $7400 for a 8’ hood plus the ansul fire system which I have not bid out yet.

Like the above poster suggested, check out your local auctions and Ebay. You can purchase used equipment for pennies on the dollar.

Talk to your contractor about buying a used hood system if that is your choice. He can tell you things to look for so that you don’t buy something that won’t work or needs major modifications.

Another thing to consider is a grease trap. If you don’t have one the health department may require it. One contractor quoted me 10k, but he thought they would let it go.
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that sounds about right but out here we had to get a engineer to draw plans up and submit to fire marshall , and health department. Which was like another 1500- 2000. Between drawings and permits
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Hello beef,The norm for a hood is 1000.00 per foot.Then the ansul system.Beef,I have a question for you.Did you ;look into the new fryer systems that require no hood at all?I think they cost about 3500-4000.00.If you are going to install a hood be sure to go bigger than you want so leave room to add on more fryers when you grow.Much cheaper to do it now than later.
Good Luck,
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Another thing to consider is a grease trap. If you don’t have one the health department may require it. One contractor quoted me 10k, but he thought they would let it go.
When you get your first hood quote, you will find out that the actual hood/fan costs are really tiny piece of the puzzle. You can save $300 to $1000 on the hood and/or fans by buying used. That is out of the overall $10,000 project cost. The installation and the fire suppression are where the real significant costs lay. Don’t let me dissuade you from saving money, but the $250 difference between galvanized and stainless is well worth it at the front end!

GREASE TRAPS: Some municipalities require an in-ground trap like a septic tank. Ours allows a floor mounted little thing, which cuts my costs down to a few hundred if I want a new one. If you gotta go the in-ground versin, you are in for a treat and an expense. This may be a requirement regardless of ventless or vented fryers.

Herein lies the attraction and poularity of the conveyor cooked wings. :shock:
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GREASE TRAPS: Some municipalities require an in-ground trap like a septic tank. Ours allows a floor mounted little thing, which cuts my costs down to a few hundred if I want a new one. If you gotta go the in-ground versin, you are in for a treat and an expense. This may be a requirement regardless of ventless or vented fryers.
Just called my contractor. He going to check into the “floor mounted little thing”. Looks like that may save my butt. We have a new agency out here in California apart from the Health Department which just deals with waste and grease (gotta love our ever growing government here) that mentioned this a few months ago.

Just make sure you get a very detailed quote before starting anything. As Nick said, there are so many things that can skyrocket the costs. I may have to move a swamp cooler over one foot to make it code. Maybe the existing coolers put out enough air or not. Electrical capacity is an issue.

Many times when you do a major improvement like this the Health department will hit you up on other things that are not up to code that they allowed before because they were existing.

Ventless fryers are an option, but people have told me they lack production.
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Just called my contractor. He going to check into the “floor mounted little thing”. Looks like that may save my butt. We have a new agency out here in California apart from the Health Department which just deals with waste and grease (gotta love our ever growing government here) that mentioned this a few months ago.
Canplas Endura Grease Interceptor used to have banner ads here on the 'Tank earlier this year. Their construction looks really good, and I’d have bought one of them if I didn’t already own a heavy steel one. When I upgrade, it will be to a plastic model like theirs.
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My contractor got word from the health department about putting in the 8’ hood with fryers.

They would want a grease intercepter put in which would run about 15k. Then they want a floor sink for the walk-in. Since we would be doing all this work they want us to change out our 2 compartment sink for a 3 compartment “and” put in an additional prep sink. Our floor is not consistent with today’s codes so they said they would think about that. They want full achetectual and mechanical plans. They also want us to get our shelving back up to 32’ again. They are checking with their supervisor on whether they will require us to put in public restrooms.

Fun stuff.
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My contractor got word from the health department about putting in the 8’ hood with fryers.

They would want a grease intercepter put in which would run about 15k. Then they want a floor sink for the walk-in. Since we would be doing all this work they want us to change out our 2 compartment sink for a 3 compartment “and” put in an additional prep sink. Our floor is not consistent with today’s codes so they said they would think about that. They want full achetectual and mechanical plans. They also want us to get our shelving back up to 32’ again. They are checking with their supervisor on whether they will require us to put in public restrooms.

Fun stuff.
OUCH! :shock: Gotta love California health and environmental codes, eh?
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My contractor got word from the health department about putting in the 8’ hood with fryers.

They would want a grease intercepter put in which would run about 15k. Then they want a floor sink for the walk-in. Since we would be doing all this work they want us to change out our 2 compartment sink for a 3 compartment “and” put in an additional prep sink. Our floor is not consistent with today’s codes so they said they would think about that. They want full achetectual and mechanical plans. They also want us to get our shelving back up to 32’ again. They are checking with their supervisor on whether they will require us to put in public restrooms.

Fun stuff.
The floor sink for the walk-in? Mop sink? The State Health Department is a phone call away. Give them a buzz. 32’? My Goodness! I’d like to chat with your contractor!

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Hi Beef sandwich:
The addition of a fryer can add enormously to you sales volume and profit structure:

Try to estimate the volume of sales you hope to attain. That will determine what capacity fryer to purchase. When you move to buy your fryer please select one with a built in filter and set up a procedure to filter your oil several times a day. . Use the very best oil you can find if you wish to be successful.

Fryers produce heat and fumes. The best way to remove that heat and fumes is to have a ventilation system that extracts both to the outside of the building. Of course there are, what are termed as ventless hoods. These systems are in my opinion poor excuses for proper ventilation. First off the ventless system removes no heat, and fryers create a lot of that. Second, that type of hood is only approved for use over electric fryers. Electricity is a marvelous phenomena but the worst and most expensive method of producing heat. Gas is best!

The next consideration is the hood and ventilation system. Before exploring those ramifications let me make a recommendation. If you are going to put in a fryer, put in a ventilation system large enough for two fryers. It does not cost much more to set up for two and it would cost you as much again to put in a second system. The rational being that if your venture into frying is even marginally successful you will wish you had two fryers.

The ventilation systems are vital to the success of the food service facility. Poor ventilation can be so offensive to the olfactory system of your customers as to destroy your business. If you have ever been into an old greasy spoon or fishy smelling establishment you know what I am saying. The olfactory system is one of the most sensitive of the human body. Offensive orders can make people regurgitate.

A poorly designed hood, ventilation system, can make your facility stink. The tragedy of that is that you will not know it. Be assured that your olfactory system will quickly become accustomed to and ignore any persistent disagreeable orders. You will never know how bad your place smells until you take at least a month vacation. This condition can exist even in a carry out if a large percentage of the customers pick up. Many an operator has gone out of business because of unpleasant odors due to poor ventilation and never realized why.

Now to the ventilation system: The hood itself and the amount of air exhausted is critical to the environment of your facility and the content of your pocket book. By National building codes. The hood should overlap the equipment by at least 6 inches. Your exhaust fan should extract 400 cubic feet of air per minute or more for each foot of perimeter of the hood. For two good fryers that could be 48 inches front to back and probably 60 inches wide. That would require an exhaust fan that extracts a minimum of 5200 CFM of air per minute.

Again by national building codes,the air extracted will have to be replaced into your building. That is commonly known as make up air. As you will not want 5200 CFM of air, cold in the winter and hot in the summer, pouring into your kitchen, that air must be heated or cooled as the season requires. Heating and cooling that amount of air would be expensive. We can reduce that amount of air by switching to a certified hood. That is a hood system that has been tested and approved by UL or ETL. One model can bring a substantial amount of the required make up air in to the lower rear section of the hood unheated and uncooled. As that air never leaves the environment of the hood it does not have to be tempered. Using this system we can exhaust as little as 2600 CFM and return up to 1560 CFM directly into the lower rear of the same size hood. We then have to replace only 1040 CFM of the exhausted air with heated and cooled air. Substantial savings, as make up air costs about $1.50 or more per CFM per year.

Depending on the size of your air conditioning system the required make up air for your system may already Be available through that source. Depending on the jurisdiction up to 160 CFM per ton of A/C can be utilized as make up air. As 10 ton of ac is about right for the average carryout you should have plenty of usable air for make up.

The price for the system described, probably less than $3500,00 any competent HVAC company should be able to install. You will need to have a local fire protection company install a system.

George Mills
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You don’t need a $15,000 grease interceptor. I just ran into the same problem over here in Podunkhickville, Kansas (aka Salina). I blew a gasket when they told me $15k for an in-ground grease interceptor. They then informed me there was a grease trap called the “Big Dipper”. It’s an automatic grease trap that skims grease off the top 24/7. It’s more expensive than your normal $300 job, but a fraction of the cost of the interceptor. Here ya go: … ystems.pdf


P.S. You can deposit the money saved into my paypal account, thank you.
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just went thru the same thing. You also need to know if it needs to have intake air and if the make up air has to be heated or not. Beware of the state codes, we purchased a used hood and system for $800 only to find that it was out of code and had been grandfathered into that place but we could not use it. An 8’ hood with fire suppresion, permits, and the whole shebang was going to be $17000.00. I went with a double auto fry machine and I love it. It is easier and since you set a timer you do not have to watch the foods as much. As soon as the time is up it just spits it out the chute. LOVE IT!!! We even do texas tenderlions. Much cheaper, I am sure you could get one on ebay but I bought a new one, $8995 plus heat lamps.
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