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Valantines Day Massacre


New member
Well not quite but we did get absolutely slammed.
Did 3 times an average Tuesday and far more than a Tuesday Public Holiday sales.
Only had on my manager, 1 front counter (who is on the make bench on Fridays), a prep worker (who can do the phones, tend the oven and get by on the make bench) and 1 driver.
The phones never stopped from 5pm opening until close just after 9pm.
The dining area was full all night, an above average delivery night and to top it off well under sales to wages ratio.
Guess people are fed up paying over the top inflated rates for Valentines Day at restaurants and would rather have a nice evening with a nice pizzza and still have money left at the end of the night.

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Great! We had similar success here as well.
We offered our most popular dessert in the shape of a heart and tripled sales of that item. I too think couples were out to save money and still get out for the evening to share a nice meal in a nice place.
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We to had a very good valentines day. The first every in our restaurants history; so that means somthin right ?
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I was surprised by the numbers when I got in today. All our stores were busier than usual, and we don’t even have dining rooms. I would swear that V-Day was slower than a normal day for us in the past.
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Yep. We did more than double our usual Tuesday and we were up 80% over last year. I got called in from my Valentine night with the family and walked into a s***t storm. I called off our 4th server because I assumed it would be pretty dead. Wrong. Dining room packed, togos were ridiculous and we had to all but stop delivery with 1 driver. A good sign but very frustrating to not be prepared…

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We were extremely busy too, about 80% above average Tuesday. In the past Valentines has been pretty much a non-event, just like the Superbowl. This year both were very busy. I am detecting a happy trend here, maybe Halloween will return to it’s former status as our busiest day of the year! 😃

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Maybe folks do not have the “big bucks” for a fancy restaurant and are scaling back a bit…As a result, you are getting a bump in your sales…
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Keep in mind, we have a wide-ranging menu from pizza to steaks and chops…our Valentines Day saw a 84% increase over a “normal” Tuesday. We were prepped, remembering the storm we weathered last year (our first) when we weren’t as prepared. Oddly, pizza sales were not king last night, instead we surprisingly saw a LOT of steaks, chops, and grilled tilapia going out. Makes me wish folks would tread everyday as a manufactured holiday and come spend their money with us!
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Not to dis pizza because it is my livelihood, but I would probably be eating steak if I were to take my wife out for Valentines too. :mrgreen:
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What? Nobody bought the PH $10,010.00 V-day package? Where is the love? :roll:
Due to a family emergency, we were only open half our normal hours but did twice our normal sales.
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Did anybody have a good 2/15 as well?

Our V-Day was good. about 60% above an average Tuesday but the day after was great and it looks like it was the same last year too.
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We’re actually experiencing a bit of what I’d expected business to be like in January, but was much better. Right now we do a fantastic lunch service, and we’ll have a really nice dinner service, but…only a single seating. We’re pretty much “one and done” for our evenings right now. The extra at lunch is keeping our averages up where they need to be but it’s a trend I’d like to see ending really quickly, that or continue the surge for another hour or so each evening!
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Surprisingly we had a greta Wednesday after Valantines Day. It was up about 25 - 30% over what we have been doing lately which has also been up from last year.
I thought after such a huge night Wednesday would be a bit quiet but it was the complete opposite. Thursday was above average as well.

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Next thing we know, we’ll get a picture post every week of Dave standing out front of his store in a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings. Just trying to keep the streak alive. THE HUMANITY! :shock:
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Next thing we know, we’ll get a picture post every week of Dave standing out front of his store in a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings. Just trying to keep the streak alive. THE HUMANITY! :shock:
Nick, why would you torture us with that disturbing mental image. :x :cry: :shock:
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Next thing we know, we’ll get a picture post every week of Dave standing out front of his store in a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings. Just trying to keep the streak alive. THE HUMANITY! :shock:
Nick, why would you torture us with that disturbing mental image. :x :cry: :shock:
I know what is going to fill my dreams tonight :cry: :shock:
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Next thing we know, we’ll get a picture post every week of Dave standing out front of his store in a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings. Just trying to keep the streak alive. THE HUMANITY! :shock:
Nick, why would you torture us with that disturbing mental image. :x :cry: :shock:
THe thought even makes me squeanish and I have to live with myself :twisted:
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