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Valantines Day Massacre

Rick G:
Next thing we know, we’ll get a picture post every week of Dave standing out front of his store in a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings. Just trying to keep the streak alive. THE HUMANITY! :shock:
Nick, why would you torture us with that disturbing mental image. :x :cry: :shock:
I know what is going to fill my dreams tonight :cry: :shock:
There is a difference between dreams and nightmares 😃
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I now refuse to sleep again with the fear I might have the above stated nightmare!!! :shock:
Next thing we know, we’ll get a picture post every week of Dave standing out front of his store in a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings. Just trying to keep the streak alive. THE HUMANITY! :shock:
Nick, why would you torture us with that disturbing mental image. :x :cry: :shock:
Tell me you wouldn’t do it if you could get the sales results Dave reported . . . . talk about ROI !!
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Probably a good thing I didn’t take up Nicks’ suggestion.
Every night for the remainder of the week was above average finishing off with our second ever biggest week, with us getting slammed on Friday and especially on Saturday.
Looks like the love just continued following after Valentines Day 😛

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