We have an arrangement with one of the local independant video stores… They insert into every case one of our supplied, high quality, full colour bleed cards with our logo, phone number, web page etc. Signs at both stores tell customers we will pay for a movie rental upon turning in $50 worth of our receipts to the video store. Our receipts are now kept on fridges, in purses etc etc. Actually become somewhat of a commodity lol… Every time somebody rents a movie they see our name and contact info a minimum of twice. 6,000 cards were not cheap at $1,800. $150 average a month in redemptions plus cards ammortized over two years gives me a cost of approx $225 a month to be in customers hands/face just as they sit down to watch a movie/put it away. I think that is cheap. I pay him full retail for his movies, my customers pay full menu price for my product. I believe the “free movie” to be an advertising cost, not a discount.
Picking up a minimum of 2 new customers a week who subsequently take the “free” movie deal who were customers of the video store. You’d never get this ok’d at a Blockbuster etc !!! Makes too much sense for a large chain to understand.