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Wages and payroll %

We start everyone at minimum wage ($7.25) where we are, yes that includes drivers.

We give raises as we see fit but are working on a better structured and consistent approach to it. With our family members on salary, being owner operators we shoot to be around 30%.

Shift runners are about $9 an hour and managers are varied between $11.75 and $15 currently

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And suddenly my posts were taken as gospel and I’ve amassed 1000’s of loyal followers all over the world! (ok, not really)
As a single one of Registered Guest’s 1000’s of loyal followers, I might have a couple ideas of why he doesn’t need tech support on speed dial. I’m guessing that he’s probably a little ahead of the computer curve than many of us. I assume this due to the fact he was able to help me make a couple changes to my old POS system(Vital Lynk) which even the company didn’t know how to do. Secondly I think he was an early adopter of Revention and as such has had more opportunities to customize it to his needs. Anyway, I don’t know much about Revention, but I do know RG doesn’t work for them.
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We start everyone at minimum wage ($7.25) where we are
Amazing! Even 18 years ago when we opened we could not hire a cook for that. Starting now is $10 with no experience and they get tips that generally add about $1 to that.
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Amazing! Even 18 years ago when we opened we could not hire a cook for that. Starting now is $10 with no experience and they get tips that generally add about $1 to that.
Cost of living of the two separate areas would play a factor in this, also, that most of our inside staff is made up of high school kids with a few managers

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We try to keep everyone at 10 an hour minimum up to about 70k for GM

PS. Revention sucks. Buggy as hell.
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I feel your pain, i have a hard enough time even finding a counter person let alone an experienced person.
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I only have a 3 station system in 1 store but aside from some minor issues I love my Revention setup. My one complaint is I wish I could run reports faster that included a large amount of data. Like 10-20 minutes is a bit much to not touch one station. Im sure the database is huge after 3 years but that’s no excuse… the hardware should be able to handle it, software might not be optimized to do it, tho.
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I only have a 3 station system in 1 store but aside from some minor issues I love my Revention setup. My one complaint is I wish I could run reports faster that included a large amount of data. Like 10-20 minutes is a bit much to not touch one station. Im sure the database is huge after 3 years but that’s no excuse… the hardware should be able to handle it, software might not be optimized to do it, tho.
So imagine running a report in two stores doing almost 7 Million total? We’d be better off doing things by hand… they aren’t good. They try ( and I’ll probably get a phone call tomorrow from some angry customer service agent like the last time ) but they aren’t built to last. Real talk
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I only have a 3 station system in 1 store but aside from some minor issues I love my Revention setup. My one complaint is I wish I could run reports faster that included a large amount of data. Like 10-20 minutes is a bit much to not touch one station. Im sure the database is huge after 3 years but that’s no excuse… the hardware should be able to handle it, software might not be optimized to do it, tho.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Revention has 4 different hardware platform options that are built for a businesses that start around 300K per year and go up to Revention’s larger volume clients that exceed $50 Million per location like amusement parks and large music/entertainment venues.

Restaurant volume may be a determining factor when selecting hardware, but is not always discussed.

Revention’s current Model is equipped for a much more progressive business that does a higher volume. Additionally, we also have a new Model that we are in the final stages of manufacturing to be released in October which is geared for a business that does around 3-5 million per location. This unit will be the standard moving forward since Revention’s clientele are mostly high volume establishments. Memory is what typically slows down reporting. We do have a Web Based Reporting Tool that is allows for reports to be pulled online and includes a nice app for your phone that can also eliminate any reporting delays.

Again thanks for being such a Revention fan; I will be sending you a new terminal at ZERO cost and set you up with a 3 month trial to our R-Enterprise web based management tool for free. Additionally, I will assign a Systems Analyst to review your system for any issues and get you to a lightning speed with all of your functions.

Thank you for your business and support!
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Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Revention has 4 different hardware platform options that are built for a businesses that start around 300K per year and go up to Revention’s larger volume clients that exceed $50 Million per location like amusement parks and large music/entertainment venues.

Restaurant volume may be a determining factor when selecting hardware, but is not always discussed.

Revention’s current Model is equipped for a much more progressive business that does a higher volume. Additionally, we also have a new Model that we are in the final stages of manufacturing to be released in October which is geared for a business that does around 3-5 million per location. This unit will be the standard moving forward since Revention’s clientele are mostly high volume establishments. Memory is what typically slows down reporting. We do have a Web Based Reporting Tool that is allows for reports to be pulled online and includes a nice app for your phone that can also eliminate any reporting delays.

Again thanks for being such a Revention fan; I will be sending you a new terminal at ZERO cost and set you up with a 3 month trial to our R-Enterprise web based management tool for free. Additionally, I will assign a Systems Analyst to review your system for any issues and get you to a lightning speed with all of your functions.

Thank you for your business and support!
“Restaurant volume may be a determining factor when selecting hardware, but is not always discussed.”

WTF?? 4+ years of not being able to run important reports. 4+ years of not being told any of the above info. $4,000 additional pieces of hardware that they said could solve the issue… ( of course it did not ) yikes!
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Hi Nate,
I am not sure if you are referring to your issues, or Pizzanow. My comment was based on new store purchasing Revention and not knowing their sales volume until they actually open for business. Feel free to reach out to me directly Karl if you would like additional assistance with your point of sale system. I can be reached at 281-598-8444.
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Hi Nate,
I am not sure if you are referring to your issues, or Pizzanow. My comment was based on new store purchasing Revention and not knowing their sales volume until they actually open for business. Feel free to reach out to me directly Karl if you would like additional assistance with your point of sale system. I can be reached at 281-598-8444.
So you sell systems on the cheaper end to be competitive with the lower priced systems for startups? Then after some growth a store can’t run a report in a timely manner, it’s because of the computing power and then the shop needs to upgrade hardware? Doesn’t sound like a great way to retain customers.

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So you sell systems on the cheaper end to be competitive with the lower priced systems for startups? Then after some growth a store can’t run a report in a timely manner, it’s because of the computing power and then the shop needs to upgrade hardware? Doesn’t sound like a great way to retain customers.

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Revention is the dominant Pizza POS provider to the Top 100 Pizza Chains and Top 100 Pizza Independents including many of the Indy’s of the year. Some of the highest volume and busiest Pizza Shops through the US are Revention customers. Our Customer Retention rate is over 95% over 15 years. Not bad, so I guess overall were doing something right. We can sell at more affordable pricing because of our direct relations with industry manufactures and we manufacture all software and POS terminals ourselves. Most POS companies buy equipment through resellers and do not manufacturer. We pass these savings to our customers.

Revention’s POS terminals all include Solid State Hard Drives and Processor Speeds that are typically 4 times what the need is for any high volume concept. This particular concern is memory only which can be upgraded for about $100 after a few years. The most recent POS terminal and all future POS terminals including our new release in October were built for a business doing 3-5 million at a single location.

Our success in this industry is from repeat business and referrals. Most people understand that even when you sell the best equipment in the world, things will break over time or computers will slow down over the years.

We love our advocates all throughout the industry, pizzanow will not pay a dime and get a new complimentary terminal and services.

Thanks for your business pizzanow
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So you sell systems on the cheaper end to be competitive with the lower priced systems for startups? Then after some growth a store can’t run a report in a timely manner, it’s because of the computing power and then the shop needs to upgrade hardware? Doesn’t sound like a great way to retain customers.

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And worst of all, they aren’t upfront about it. This is literally the first I’ve heard of this from them after 100’s of phone calls…
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And worst of all, they aren’t upfront about it. This is literally the first I’ve heard of this from them after 100’s of phone calls…
Hi Nate,
Please give me a call if you would like assistance, I am happy to help. 281-598-8488. Or if you would prefer I call you, please let me know the best day and time. Thank you.
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Revention is the dominant Pizza POS provider to the Top 100 Pizza Chains and Top 100 Pizza Independents including many of the Indy’s of the year. Some of the highest volume and busiest Pizza Shops through the US are Revention customers. Our Customer Retention rate is over 95% over 15 years. Not bad, so I guess overall were doing something right. We can sell at more affordable pricing because of our direct relations with industry manufactures and we manufacture all software and POS terminals ourselves. Most POS companies buy equipment through resellers and do not manufacturer. We pass these savings to our customers.

Revention’s POS terminals all include Solid State Hard Drives and Processor Speeds that are typically 4 times what the need is for any high volume concept. This particular concern is memory only which can be upgraded for about $100 after a few years. The most recent POS terminal and all future POS terminals including our new release in October were built for a business doing 3-5 million at a single location.

Our success in this industry is from repeat business and referrals. Most people understand that even when you sell the best equipment in the world, things will break over time or computers will slow down over the years.

We love our advocates all throughout the industry, pizzanow will not pay a dime and get a new complimentary terminal and services.

Thanks for your business pizzanow
Any POS company can come on here and start claiming statistics. We have friends with other shops that looked at Revention. Do you know why they didn’t go with it? All they did was trash the other systems they were looking at. When people talk about Revention on here, it’s typically not anything positive. I understand you’re trying to save face here but comments on here would argue with your retention and satisfaction statistics.

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Ok, yeah, sure, I’ll bite.

So let me get this straight. We - including myself - have been complaining about software issues we’ve been struggling with for years, yet one guy “praises” the company and he is showered with thousands in free gifts? What kind of business model is this? How is this suppose to make me feel better? Shouldn’t it be more like, “We appreciate the heck out of the guy that loves us, we really do, but man, what about these guys who don’t… The guys that are having real world problems. The guys that have major issues during $14k saturday nights. Shouldn’t we be concentrating a bit more on them? Shouldn’t we be offering them support?” Nah, of course not. I was turned off with you guys the first time I called after a month and a half of dropping 30 grand on a brand new install and support telling me, “sorry, you don’t have a support contract. click.”. Yeah, sure I get it. There isn’t money in selling printers; all the money is in the ink. Whatever.

Listen, everything about what you say above is malarkey, and before I continue I’m going to make it crystal clear that I do not in any way enjoy saying negative things about anyone or any company just for the hell of it.As a matter of fact, as a business owner, I hate it. But on the other hand, I also try and speak the truth, as you can tell from any of my posts over the years here. My post isn’t going to be company statistics. No, not at all. My post is going to be actual real world facts from an actual real world “customer” in a multi-store high volume, full service environment.

You mention different models that you offer. What is this? You’re saying you offer multiple hardware tiers now to different people based on sales? I guess my first question is… Why? I can run comparable software on outdated hardware running outdated operating systems if I wanted to. Even the cheapest new hardware available should be more than capable of running any point of sales software that is coded properly. I mean, you’re putting 2 gigs of ram in your “high end” terminals… Really? 2 gigs? I ran 2 gigs of ram in 2005. Oh, but you offer an “upgrade” for 100 bucks… You do know that 100 bucks can buy you 16 gigs of ram, right?

So you mention that you are selling “special” hardware for guys doing 3-5 million a year? That’s cute. My guess is you are upgrading the same terminals from 2 gigs to 4 gigs and charging an extra 900 per terminal and adding a few digits to the model number. Hey, I get it, how else can you afford to pay the rent of the Revention Music Center? The software should run fine on the same damn terminal regardless if I do 5 grand a year or 5 million a year. There should be no need for anything other than more drive space to hold a larger SQL database and a realistic amount of ram to process the queries. This model just doesn’t make sense to anyone who has a clue.

Reports… God forbid you need to run a “large” report. You guys need to read up on writing better SQL queries and database structures… I will refrain from posting examples of what I mean - for now. Let’s just say that pulling a yearly sales report shouldn’t take 15 minutes - it should take seconds, even on old hardware running 2 gigs of ram. This is fact.

The software itself could be great, which sucks. I wish I could sit down with the devs for a few hours, I really do, because so many of the bugs and missing features are laughably easy fixes.

The software is written in an outdated framework (like, .net 2 or something wild like that, I forget). It wasn’t always outdated obviously, back when .net 2 was bleeding edge it was great, but the problem here is that the code wasn’t maintained properly. Now the software essentially has to be rewritten from scratch to be brought up to today’s standards. This isn’t an easy feat, I know, I’ve been a developer for a long time, much longer than I’ve been in the pizza business.

Here are a few problems that I’m having this week

  • []Tickets printing twice or sometimes three times. This happens at all locations, so it’s clearly a bug in the software. Happens at least three times a day.
    ].net errors happen about 8-10 times a day forcing me to close and restart the revention
    []Credit card problems requiring me to restart the terminal and card reader - these problems started when they forced me to integrate with vantiv and external card readers
    ]End of day doesn’t work at all. Just runs and runs and runs, cards don’t batch because of this so I have to manually do it in the morning
    []Employee times are off on sundays. Not sure why but the person who runs end of day on sunday gets their hours completely cut out of the calculations.
    ]web orders don’t go through even though the customer says they did - very frustrating.
    []can’t use streets and grids on web deliveries so my drivers get shorted the extra fee on deliveries in specific zones. they told me it’s impossible. really?
    ]tons of other random printing issues
    []employees working wrong hours (last week someone clocked 38 hours in a day… how is this posisble?
    ]My terminals were partitioned with a ridiculously small windows partition and the remaining space for the “data” partition. Naturally windows updates and typical usage quickly took all the space of the windows partition. Why would you do this?

Some of you might think these are minor issues, but when you screw up two of the most important aspects of any business, payroll and income, we have a problem.

PS. I’m not looking for a handout and don’t want a phone call. I’m already in the process of “making the switch” from revention to (insert brand here).

I have a lot more to talk about, but not much more time today. Maybe later. But until then - click!
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