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CFM Concepts is doing my web site as we speak. They are very easy to deal with nice clean looking site(they do my menus so that simplifies things). The cost is $1200. which I believe is reasonable. They have a lot of experience dealing with pizza joints because of the menu printing biz. They sent me a bunch of current web sites that they have done so you can see there work. Im pleased with what Ive seen so far.
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A website doesn’t have to cost a fortune to be effective adn keep in mind that the site is supposed to support your business. Don’t be afraid to question proposed features or designs that doesn’t support your mission or convey your message. Flash, javascript, silverlight, etc can add snazz to a page but adding this stuff just for the sake of adding it just drives up the cost of the site and does nothing for the customer.
There are pro’s and con’s to going all flash like Rosatis my personal philosphy is more like Hungry’s, fancy stuff that supports the message and doesn’t replace it and normal enought to be viewed by a wide range of technology gadgets.

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offering up pages geared for different platforms is entirly possible. The page can be made to look totally differenct on your pC than say your phone. By doing this you can cater to the strengths of the plaform you customers are using to view your page. your designer will know how to do (or should) how to do this. This will probably up the cost a bit but could be worth it the more customers you have that use alternate devices to get to your page. Webpages are just like anything else the best way to reach the most ppl is to keep it simple (that doesn’t mean dull and boring though).

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Thanks for all the great input,

I have spoke to a couple guys with great sites, I have prices from 500 to 2700. The NVision company that did Rosati’s was really reasonable for a basic site.

I think I am finally going to buy a POS system and integrate with online ordering. My old website will have to remain until I get all my info together on which POS to buy

Thanks again for all your help.

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Thanks for all the great input,

I have spoke to a couple guys with great sites, I have prices from 500 to 2700. The NVision company that did Rosati’s was really reasonable for a basic site.

I think I am finally going to buy a POS system and integrate with online ordering. My old website will have to remain until I get all my info together on which POS to buy

Thanks again for all your help.

Choose whatever POS you want… just as long as it’s NOT DIAMOND TOUCH :evil:
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Thanks for all the great input,
The NVision company that did Rosati’s was really reasonable for a basic site.
What do they consider a “basic” site? pages, features, etc . . .

What did they quote you?
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I just wanted to let you guys know about this thing I stumbled upon called Wix. It is an online site generator and editor and host rolled into one. The difference is that it looks like you can make some really cool sites with it in Flash. This is of course if you want to go the flash route. One of the cool things about them is that they combine html and flash on the sites to make sure your site is search engine friendly. I played around with it and was able to put together a nice looking site in about an hour but I’m very tech savvy, so mileage may vary. The best part is that they offer the service and hosting for free if you use a subdomain of theirs ( and have small ads. This means you can try out the service and see if you like it before paying for using your own domain name.

Again, I only have played with this a bit so this isnt a rock hard recommendation, just something to check it out to save a lot of money on a custom design.

The website is
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