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Weighing out cheese?

We could never mess with pre-portioned cheese. On a big night we run at 100 pies per hour (plus winges, apps, calzones, stromboli… you get the picture)

Where would I put 300-400 portions all weighed out? BUT we do use a portion cup and train on it. At our volume in high season we could (and have in the past) used as much as $1000 too much cheese in a month. That only amounts to about an ounce per pizza.

I did come up with an interesting benchmark to see how our cheese usage is doing: using our portions for cheese and our doughball size, we should be using about 21 bags of flour for every 20 cases of cheese. If I look at cheese usage and flour usage for a busy week where we have used 42 bags of flour, I would expect to find that we used 40 cases of cheese. If the usage number is much different than that, it is time to get back to training!
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We use an Avery-Berkel scale and weigh cheese for every pizza. I don’t believe it is any slower than guessing the portion and brushing off what is not needed.

We portion the cheese into a bowl and then dump it on the pie thus we do not need to zero out every time. We have the sensor scales, which I do not like, as the light can often cause problems with the scale resetting itself.

I can’t imagine the logistical nightmare of trying to portion ahead of time and just don’t see the need when it is so easy to weigh as you go.
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altho I personally free-throw cheese, I make the others weigh it in a cheap wal-mart type scale…am waiting delivery for a true pizza scale…

in past places, we bought a few hundred brightly colored plastic cups & weighed out 2 portion sizes…kept 'em in dough trays…a minor hassle, but worth the effort…

btw - we’re running a 15% cheese cost - even w/cheapo me throwing cheese…we are a hi-volume college priced store & we keep up w/demand & weigh when I’m off the line
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We have the sensor scales, which I do not like, as the light can often cause problems with the scale resetting itself.
I also had problems with the light resetting the scale, but finaly tonight I corrected the problem. We have florecent lights in a drop celling, I just moved one light one tile over so there is a light over each side of the scale. Now the sensor doesn’t zero from a shadow because it still has light.
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That’s funny. I just did the same thing this week only because I had to make room for an exhaust fan. Should be interesting to see how it goes. Still wished I hadn’t bought the sensor as we don’t need it . . .
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