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Welcome to the PMQ Think Tank. Read here before continuing.

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What is this place?

The PMQ Think Tank is a public meeting place for open discussion of all topics concerning pizza. The Think Tank is NOT a place to solicit business, although you may include web links in your signature given that your post is relevant and contributes to the discussion.

How do I start?

The first thing you should do is sign up with your email address or through Facebook. Registering will allow you to post new topics, reply and track threads. It will also allow you to set up a profile to make peer recognition easier.

You’ll only have to login once. When you do login, make sure to check the “Log me on automatically each visit:” check box. You’ll only have to do this once per computer.

If you choose not to sign up, you will still be able to view the threads and search for content within them.

I’m logged in now. What next?

When you come to the default page, you will see a listing of “topics” and “replies” posted by fellow members. The topics at the top are the newest or more recently replied to. As a topic ages, it will move downward.

To create a new topic or to ask a question, click the “Post New Thread” button. We invite you to post your first thread in New User Introductions subforum and tell us something about yourself!

How do I read a topic and its replies?

By clicking on them! As you read, the system will take the blue dot off of threads you’ve read.

I’m still having difficulties or otherwise see something I don’t like. What do I do?

Forums are for the voice of the people. If there’s something that makes you unhappy, please let the moderator, Callie Daniels Bryant, know through the contact form at

Thank you,

PMQ Pizza Magazine