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how many parking spaces are there.
me again,
i am interested in this place,once again,how many parking spaces do you have.
what kind of equipment do you have,from the front to the rear.i mean every piece.
how many parking spaces are there.
me again,
i am interested in this place,once again,how many parking spaces do you have.
what kind of equipment do you have,from the front to the rear.i mean every piece.
Once again, 62 and 2 handicaps. I couldn’t list everything here my inventory list is 3 pages long, in small font the way it is.

You can see a picture of part of the inside if you go to Yahoo Local and click on Pizza restaurants in the 62812 zip code.

We have the usual - 2 lincoln impingers, make line, cooler, 3 door freezer, chest freezer, panini grill, proofer/convetion oven, seating for 112 people, buffet stuff, racks, etc. I’m telling you there is way too much to list here on the message board.

How are you interested?
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Interesting photos.

Here are a few comments based on observation of the pictures.

Buffet line is small and difficult for your pizzas to be delivered, a person has to cross traffic to place the pies and maintain, much easier having the line be facing the front but accesible to the back, so the worker just takes the pies, cuts them and puts them on the line. Cleanup and maintenance is easier too.

Foam cups and plates, have you considered purchasing plastic washable wares? would definately save money in the longer run.

Open and interesting layout, menuboard looks very small. Ever discussed an upgrade help with Coke?

Looks like a very nice place…interesting seeing photos after knowing the story.

Interesting photos.

Here are a few comments based on observation of the pictures.

Buffet line is small and difficult for your pizzas to be delivered, a person has to cross traffic to place the pies and maintain, much easier having the line be facing the front but accesible to the back, so the worker just takes the pies, cuts them and puts them on the line. Cleanup and maintenance is easier too.

Foam cups and plates, have you considered purchasing plastic washable wares? would definately save money in the longer run.

Open and interesting layout, menuboard looks very small. Ever discussed an upgrade help with Coke?

Looks like a very nice place…interesting seeing photos after knowing the story.

The set up was that way when we purchased it - it was a Papa’s Pizza To Go and that’s their set up. We actually have switched to Pepsi and they are suppose to get us a new menu board. We considered washable plates and cups but it would really eat up labor having a full time dishwasher.

Buffet line isn’t as small as the picture looks and there are two buffet lines. You don’t see the whole buffet line in the picture. To the right of the picture there is a door that goes directly into the kitchen that you don’t see - I don’t know how we would move the buffet lines the salad bar has drains and electrical and the cabinetry is all one piece. The main buffet line is 30 feet long. Same with the second buffet line - it is about 10 feet long and has all electrical stuff hooked up. I would have to move my front counter to have the buffet facing the front -

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As you all know, the building next door is also owned by our landlord and she allowed another restaurant to move in. Today the restaurant owner came over to talk to me and stated that she was served with papers that the property they are leasing has been sold for taxes for the year 2003 and that our landlord has until August to pay the taxes. Our neighbor wanted to know if we got one - which we didn’t.

At this point, I think you are all correct - purchasing the building probably wouldn’t be a good idea even if we used the equity to get out of the hole. They are asking $175000.00 for the property and it appraised for $300,000 2 years ago. We actually talked with a bank today and they are willing to work with us. Property talks, equipment inventory doesn’t when it comes to a loan.

We’ve decided not to do it. Thanks for your help - Again!
You can find out from county tax commissioner or assessor what the current tax statusis on YOUR building, if you think it wise. Many counties even have it online. Might give you a heads up of any surprise coming your way.

$175K may not be such a bad deal if taxes are current . . . and your cash flow can support the note and maintenance.
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Haven’t had the best dealings with landlords, and there are great ones out there, but as a landlord like yourself, when do you go in your pocket to fix repairs that are need to be fixed? In my lease, i am not responsible for the roof, the maintenance of the parking lot, the lighting in the lot, and the bailing of water in the basement?
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