What Are Flour Prices Doing?


Staff member
I am about 30 days away from needing to buy more flour. The stockpile is almost gone. What are prices doing? My supplier has not changed the price since the big jump from $10.75 to $22.54.
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We bought a bunch several week ago and will not need more for another month as well. Prices from our sysco rep this week are between $20.25 and $22.50 for the three products they have on our list. The one we usually buy is $21.25.
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I paid $20.22 this week, down from $26.13 at the high.

Wheat prices are plunging in recent weeks, so we may be back to where we started from within the next couple of months.

Of course, cheese is rising again over the past 2 weeks :x
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Anybody use Conagra 50# High Gluten Full Power, we are still paying over $30? What’s your cost and through what vendor? We go through about 25 bags a week, a savings of $5 a bag, would be a big savings.
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wheat is dropping alot . congress is going to force farmer to stop producing bio fuels and get back to growing what we need.more wheat less corn.should also see better dairy prices more feed for the cows rather then ethenol which is only going to save .25 a gallon.but if everything keeps going up the .25 wont matter.
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Wheat prices are coming off of their record highs set a month ago, and flour prices appear to be steady to down a little. I don’t think we’re going to see much more change until the winter wheat crop is in (mid July). That is providing something doesn’t happen to the crop between now and harvest, like a late season freeze, too much rain, not enough rain, hail right at harvest time, or continued rain at harvest time, any of these could set off another bout of speculation leading to rapidly escalating prices (potentially a lot higher than where we are at right now). Right now, the winter wheat crop is looking pretty good and that is quelling the speculation of a massive crop failure, hence cool heads are at the buyer’s table, and prices are holding steady or even declining slightly. We will go thriugh this one more time, in August, when the spring wheat crop comes in.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Welcome to the club! Hang in there, with a little continued luck, we may begin to see prices coming down soon.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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