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What are your average ticket sales what % do each represent


Just wondering what numbers you other folks have out there. I have had my POS for 1 year now so I have been able to track my numbers very easily. Before the POS this took so long I didnt bother to figure this out very often.
Here is what I have in average ticket sales

Pick up (phone in): 26.31
To go (walk in) : 12.54
Delivery : 27.57
Eat in: 11.39

I have 42 seats and am a quick casual concept (order at the front counter and we bring it to your table)

This is what % each represents

Delivery 46%
Pick up 25%
To go 18%
eat in 11%

I dont know why I went for almost 7 years with out a POS! What used to take hours now only takes about 30 seconds!
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Re: What are your average ticket sales what % do each repre

One glaring problem I see with your #'s is that phone in to go orders are more than double your walk in to go orders. Unless this is caused by a few people just coming in to purchase a soda and a slice, or a cheap lunch special, or something of the like, there would seem to be a problem.

My average ticket ranges from $13.75-$14.50 for the week. Carryout and delivery tickets are very similar as we don’t sell slices, and don’t have many picking up lunch for just themselves. Carryout sales amount to about 15%, and delivery the remaining 85%. With carryout sales, we don’t differentiate whether they were phoned in or walk in to order.
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Re: What are your average ticket sales what % do each repre

Campus store (busiest but stagnant sales):

Delivery 77% - $13.80
Carry Out 17.4% - $13.23
Walk In 5.6% - $6.49 (lunchtime slices)

Residential part of College Town (continues to grow every year):

Delivery 75.7% - $14.46
Carry Out 19.5% - $13.06
Walk In 4.8% - $5.31 (lunchtime slices)

Factory Town (growing but slowly… soo painfully slow):

Delivery 52% - $16.67
Carry Out 30.5% - $14.45
Walk In 17.5% - $11.78 (no slices but they love the breadsticks)

Why don’t Blue Collar families use a delivery service as much as folks in the College Town? When I figure that one out maybe I can give you numbers from a 4th location…
Re: What are your average ticket sales what % do each repre

We’ve been open 5 months and after some frustration, the comments ont this site really opened my eyes. I started running reports and was really surprised at the information our POS showed.

We run 70% average delivery (which varies from 52% to 89% on any given day) with an average ticket price of $13.50 to $17.50.

Carry out average ticket price is about $11.

Average delivery elapsed time is 43 minutes, which tells me our delivery area is way too big. Our highest concentration of customers (3 military installations within 5 miles) is generating 18% of our business.
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Re: What are your average ticket sales what % do each repre

Are you talking $$$ or ###
delivery $ 40% ,# of orders 27%
phone in 39% , 30%
walk in 21% , 43%
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Re: What are your average ticket sales what % do each repre
One glaring problem I see with your #'s is that phone in to go orders are more than double your walk in to go orders.
The reason my walk in is less is because most of that would be lunch time customers.
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