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What are your hobbies outside of pizza, pizza and more pizza?


Staff member
We took a poll once in the Think Tank and I believe we found the average user on here works around 60-80 hours per week.

Anyone manage to fit in any hobbies?
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I always considered being an owner a hobby 🙂

But Seriously yes, I build massive contraptions and projects in Minecraft to relax, or go cycling when the weather is good.
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I play darts for a hobby. I travel to tournaments around the state and a few national tournaments each year. Next weekend is the Florida Supershoot, our state championship tournament.
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I play rec league hockey twice a week. Forces me to get out of the store 2 nights a week (although I work during the day until it’s time to leave for my game.)
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I used to have hobbies, but now I operate a restaurant!

Before having a restaurant;
Hunting, Fishing, Snowmobiling, Snowboarding.
I do occasionally have time to get on the motorcycle for a bit these days though
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I play around with old cars, mostly VW’s. My avatar is VW based kit car from the early 80’s called a Laser917, the body is loosely based on the Porsche 917. I used to deliver in it which was a lot of fun but I would lose a lot of time with people looking at it and asking questions.
The last few years I have been getting involved in local politics, don’t know if that really counts as a hobby, but helping out campaigns sure does consume time.
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I created a new approach to music 50 odd years ago and it was my career for 20 years. I toured around the world with my band, owned a record label, and booked us around the world before cell phones, internet, and GPS. Now it is my hobby and record about a cd a day in The Tunnel of Dreams Recording Studio that I built on our property. I also build/fly radio controlled sailplanes, and pedal my bike most everywhere baring ice and snow. I did way too many music road miles and if I never drive a vehicle again that would be great by me. I have been blessed to learn pizza/music from the old masters. Here is a link if you are interest to my music. Walter
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Golf is my vice (hobby) but looking at “smiling with hope” it pales into insignificance
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wa dave: Thank you for that compliment. I was called to work with people with disabilities and it yanked me right out of my music career. I tried to fight it but it was too strong a calling to deny. Something inside me kept saying these people never asked to be born with a losing hand for life, a life of pain, abuse, neglect, poverty, incarceration, addiction, and I had the skills to help them discover they do have hope and meaning on this earth. That led to the vision of creating bakeries/pizzerias that would train/employ them for competitive work. The public schools has been a successful scale model and now I will be taking it to opening my own pizzeria and continuing the mission and be more in control of my environment. Walter
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The last few years I have been getting involved in local politics, don’t know if that really counts as a hobby, but helping out campaigns sure does consume time.
You are braver than I am!
I learned the hard way that it is best for me to show a completely neutral outward appearance when it comes to separating myself and my biz.
I am sure you saw Wisconsin on the news heavily in relation to politics these last few years, and we see a 50/50 mix from both ends of the spectrum, I’d hate to lose half of my customer base due to my personal leanings.
We catered an off-premise event on election night party for a very conservative leaning candidate a few years back,
Sadly, It ended up biting me in the butt.
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ok after a good couple of years of not having any help on pizza, I was needed on sundays for awhile. I got one of my old kids from a few years back and was able to work sundays in summer. Because the summer sundays aren’t crazy at any given hour and it wasn’t football season, I was able to join a over 30 baseball league. First time playing after 15 years or so, since college ball, I play the whole season. We get to the championship game, I’m pitching, i am leading 1-0 going into the last half of the final inning. I get two quick outs, third batter singles. Next batter singles, I walk the next guy on four pitches. Last batter goes up 3-0 on the count, I battle back to make it 3-2…drop a curve ball on him, line drive to left…centerfielder makes lunging grab. game over…true story!
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dont have time for much but i do enjoy shooting…have a few hand guns and 22lr i like to take to the range once in a while…big fan of going out to eat and trying new restaurants…not sure if that’s a hobby or intelligence gathering.
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While my brain is in pizza mode 24/7 I do sneak in some Craft Beer obsession and help maintain an online radio station (and my daughter’s weekly college radio show as well at Northern Colorado)
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Deer hunting, fishing, building custom knives, leather work, gardening and spending time with two sons and grand children. Now that I’m retired and self employed as a consultant I have more time to enjoy all of the above.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Everybody is so talented and social. I like doing things that I can just block out the outside world, reading, painting, cross-stitch.
If I have to go into the outside world, I usually wear a helmet. . .atv’ing and snowmobiling.
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I might also add that when I’m not The Dough Doctor, my cell phone is turned off, and I don’t like to “talk shop” with family or friends, I just like to be Tom Lehmann. When I was employed by AIB they would ask me how they could reach me when I was away from the office for two weeks at a time. My response was always the same " Look for a forest, walk into the forest and look up into the trees for me in my tree stand (there are a lot of trees in Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas) and remember, if you do find me I will be upset that you interrupted my deer hunting, and I will be armed with a rifle, and then ask yourself, now, what was it that was so important that I had to find Tom for??? LOL
The best hobby is one in which you can get totally immersed in, block out the rest of the world, even if just for a few minutes or hours, and put everything else on a back burner. I find if I can do this I can return to work refreshed and with a renewed vigor to doing whatever needs to be done to keep the lights on.
What I always found to be so amazing was that when PMQ has their Pizza Cruise, during the seminar portion we would talk shop and problem solve, but as soon as that was over, we all talked family, experiences, and port of call and I don’t think anyone ever left the ship at the end of a cruise feeling anything but relaxed and ready to take on the next everyday challenge at work with a smile on their face.
Those Pizza Cruises were pure fun! If you’re new to PMQ and don’t remember the Pizza Cruises, you can check them out in the PMQ Archives.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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