I have been reading quite a few articles on how to market during tough economic times. There are conflicting opinions on where to concentrate your marketing.
One school of thought is to concentrate on the customers you already have and try to increase their frequency or increase their average ticket. On the other hand it has been said you can only get so much milk from a cow before it dries up. Both arguements have some validity.
The question is really what is the best bang for the advertising dollar? Do you spent the cash on a loyalty program or on something that will bring new faces in the door? Or do you try and do both on a shoe string budget for each.
I would be interested to hear your opinions and some examples of what people are doing. I have been mostly concentrating on pleasing the customers I have. I am hoping they are so overjoyed with the wonderful food and service they get they tell their friends . New customers make up 10% of my orders.
One school of thought is to concentrate on the customers you already have and try to increase their frequency or increase their average ticket. On the other hand it has been said you can only get so much milk from a cow before it dries up. Both arguements have some validity.
The question is really what is the best bang for the advertising dollar? Do you spent the cash on a loyalty program or on something that will bring new faces in the door? Or do you try and do both on a shoe string budget for each.
I would be interested to hear your opinions and some examples of what people are doing. I have been mostly concentrating on pleasing the customers I have. I am hoping they are so overjoyed with the wonderful food and service they get they tell their friends . New customers make up 10% of my orders.
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