Re: What kind of oil lasts the longest for the $ in deep fry
The best way to break it up is to get a long knife, if you have two fryers, dip the knife into the hot oil and slice off pieces a bit at a time. Also, if you have three fryers, put the box on a close lid fryer, cut the box down on one side and split open the bag and cut at it.
It is very important to stuff the oil deep down as far as you can and dont start up the heat until you have stuffed it in as much as you can, if you heat the fryer before having sufficient shortening near the bottom, you can crack the block of the fryer, which you will notice if you have oil leaking it can mean the block is getting cracked.
Once you stuff the oil down into the fryer, then you can make larger pieces in the “wider” portion of the fryer.
About the other comments regarding how the oil cooks, well people are entitled to their opinion, my comments come from a decade plus of experience. The thinner and more broken down the oil molecularly the more heat that is transferred faster.
To prove my point, if you have two fryers, dump one and load with new oil and compare the consistency, the manor in which the oil behaves, heats, burns and cooks from the new to the old oil, it is pretty easy to observe the point I am making, also run a batch of the same food in two fryers side by side and notice which cooks faster, that the older oil burns food relative to the new oil.