We once had someone take an order that was 45 miles away.
Room 221 at the Holiday Inn. Driver went there, nobody answered the door. Called the room, nobody answered. Brought the pizza back.
Customer called a while later, “where is my pizza?” It was explained the driver went there with it some time ago, but nobody came to the door. Customer said it is possible he was in the shower. “We will make you a fresh one and bring it right over, sorry about that” Fresh pie made and delivered… nobody comes to the door.
Brought it back, figured someone is yanking our chain. After a while, customer calls again, pretty annoyed. After some conversation it comes out that he is in the Holiday Inn 45 miles west of us in another town… This was before we had caller ID. The customer had said room 221 at the Holiday Inn and the empoloyee taking the order just entered the phone number for the local Holiday Inn since we got a lot of business there.
We do not have too much trouble with it though as our delivery area includes the whole town and only a couple areas that are not in the city limits that are at our end of town. The huge majority of the area is the downtown area and the condos on the mountain. The few times that we have had an order outside the boundaries, we just deliver it and explain it is a one time thing. We also make a note on the customer record that it is out of the area.