I owned Lincoln Impingers and the 3870, and hands down the 3870 sucked. A large part had to do with poor and untrained service techs, probably 65%, but the rest was just do to poor manufacturing. We had problems of all kinds with the install. They installed them in with the wrong pipe sizes, the key pad came pre-programmed with the wrong length conveyor (a 5 minute bake time on a 54.5" cooking chamber is NOT the same as a 40.5" cooking chamber), the cheap plastic door handle broke, and the emergency switch has a bug that kills the oven of an indeterminate amount of time every time someone bumps in the inconveniently thigh level emergency button.
We imported 14 of them to Japan for Little Caesars back in 2000, and had nothing but problems. When LC went bankrupt in Japan in 2002, I bought 2 double stacks, and knowing the problems they had, still felt ripped off paying over a grand for them.
Blodgett sent over techs to Japan to do the initial installation, so you would assume that they would have done an impeccable job. How often do you get the oven maker in your shop to oversee an installation? The ovens were showing problems they had never even heard of. If that set you found is anything like the 14 we had, they stay the hell away. No deal is worth the lost sales and down time we experienced.