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What? You haven’t heard about the latest problems with the N.E. tomato crop too? I don’t know how it will affect our prices on tomato products, but I’m guessing it will have an impact sooner or later this year. Bummer! 😦
If it isn’t one thing, then its bound to be another.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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It seems the only thing not going up is the owner’s wages! Here in Illinois anyway we’ll soon have mandated a higher “minimum” wage to contend with as well! Figures, the year I decide to get into the business is the one that presents all sorts of economic challenges. I try to just look at it that if I can survive “this”, I can handle anything! 😃
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USDA bulk purchase higher pricing . . . . benefits corporate dairy farmers. I refuse to listen to any concept that it is about family dairies. ConAgra and the boys are getting political equality with the banks, auto makers and insurance companies in this sweet deal. Family farmers may get some added benefit, but that will be accidental.

Minimum wage hikes for last three years . . . . benefits unions and othetr organized labor groups who have wages established as a factor of the federal minimum wages. The payoff was not to “poor” people who get an extra $15 a month, but to the union guys with contacts that have their wages set at (for example) 3.5 X minuimum wage, plus overtime and benefits.

Federal stimulus for homeowners . . . . benefited people who already had homes they couldn’t afford and weren’t keeping up with payments on. People scraping by barely making it, making all their payments/obligations regardless of the sacrifices, get nothing because we aren’t in foreclosure.

State of GA sales tax holiday . . . . this one hit us right in the teeth here in Grantville. It started last night, running through Sunday. Everyone left town to go to the city to buy back to school stuff, clothes, computers, calculators, office supplies and anything marginally related to school stuff . . . all for zero sales tax. We got NO COMMERCIAL activity at all in town, so everyone spent the night fighting for the sales in the city, spending their dining out dollars in the malls and shopping centers up where they are shopping. Small town businesses/restaurants got clobbered last night while the coporate mongos who are in the big fancy shopping centers made a week’s worth of sales last night.

Thanks to all those government officials and agencies looking out for the small business owner in America. All those tax dollars spent, and we’re too broke to spend huge cpaital for the tax breaks, and make too muc money to get any ‘handout’ programs. I have a queasy feeling about the next6 12 months of business with the trend in governmental involvement in the marketplaces.
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These hikes also benefit big, corporate chains over us little guys. Since PJ, The Hut, etc. can do the same amount of work as I can with less employees, they don’t feel it as hard. They also can do smaller price hikes over a longer span of time to compensate, because of the volume they do, and people won’t notice it (remember when a value meal was only $2.99?).

I’m still trying to figure out where I’m supposed to get the money to cover this 11% labor increase.
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My employees are already getting mad at me about it. I pay about 275 hours a week, so that means over $900.00 a month cut in my take home pay. Since I am a wealthy business owner I do not believe the congress and Obama are going to pick up my mortgage so I am cutting hours and my wife and I will have even less personal time off. Somehow I am the villian in all this . I am eliminating dayshift driver position a couple of days a week and picking it up myself, Wife is becoming dayshift cook 5 days instead of 1. Then I had the audacity to ask employees to be available for call in during these times like my wife and I had been to cover any unexpected rush. I am normally in the store on dayshift to help cook, deliver, prep or whatever else the dayshift person needs help with. I even put the math squarely in front of the ones whose hours are being cut showing them that if we continued the same way, we would not be able to cover our bills so eventually we would close and nobody would have any hours. I have to cut about 30 hours a week to stay even.

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Indie, believe me when I say any employer with min wage employees is feeling the pain. However, while you think the chains require less labor than you, I know for a fact that we require less than they do. I dare say our guys are a tad more loyal too.

Nick I feel you with the GA sales tax holiday - ouchie!!!

*Side note: min wage is required for businesses grossing $500K+ annually…

Fact Sheet #2: Restaurants and Fast Food Establishments Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
This fact sheet provides general information concerning the application of the FLSA to employees of restaurants and fast food establishments.
The restaurant/fast food industry includes establishments which are primarily engaged in selling and serving to purchasers prepared food and beverages for consumption on or off the premises.
Restaurants/fast food businesses with annual gross sales from one or more establishments that total at least $500,000 are subject to the FLSA. Also, any person who works on or otherwise handles goods that are moving in interstate commerce is individually subject to the minimum wage and overtime protection of the FLSA. For example, a waitress or cashier who handles a credit card transaction would likely be subject to the Act.
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That cheese/milk article said:

“and cheddar cheese may top $5.097 a pound”

Maybe I’m confused, but I thought that the prices reflected the price of cheddar. At 5.07/lb that would be over twice the high from last year. Am I misunderstanding?
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I believe that is what he believes the retail price of cheese will be - what the average consumer will pay in a supermarket. So, the block price would only be $2-something… see, nothing to worry about at all.
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Restaurants/fast food businesses with annual gross sales from one or more establishments that total at least $500,000 are subject to the FLSA. Also, any person who works on or otherwise handles goods that are moving in interstate commerce is individually subject to the minimum wage and overtime protection of the FLSA. For example, a waitress or cashier who handles a credit card transaction would likely be subject to the Act.
Georgia and myriad other states have statutes to defeat that exemption. Thankfully, the GA one (which you just made me go read) says it only aplies to those of us not covered under the Federal FLSA . . . . and had lots of its own exemptions, from the state mandated $5.15 minimum wage. I only have a $5.15 minimum, if I am re-reading correctly. I feel bad for the West Coast employers, but it appears that GA small businesses ($40K-$500K) are actually at the old minimum wage.

One should also contact one’s state restaurant association or find out from state labor department if there are state provisions making life more expensive. Turns out mine is LESS expensive! Thanks, guys!
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