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Whats Your Delivery Charge?


Active member
Im thinking of raising my Delivery Fee.

Currently $1.75

Its less than what others stores around me charge.

Whats tge consensus on delivery fees?
Just raised ours from $2.49 to $4 a couple months back along with charging $1 more on the base price of every pizza.
Was considering $2.50 for no real scientific reason,… it just sounds like a number I wouldn’t get alot of complaints about
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i follow what domino’s does in my town…as such I am going up from $3.95 to $4.95 in the next few weeks. I figure if they can charge that much for an inferior product, I could too…
I just changed mine to $2.50-4.50 depending on how far away the delivery is. I also pay all but .50 to the driver if they are driving their own car.
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We reimburse $1 of the delivery charge to the driver. They average over $30/hr (not including cash tips - I track credit card tips with wages & reimbursement every week with payroll) so there is no need to give them more. Why do insiders want to work in the kitchen when they can make more driving is a serious issue…
This is the rise of 3rd party delivery services. Everyone goes to work for them, leaving no one for us small independents to hire
I’m at $2.00. Going to go to $2.99 in a few weeks to help cover the minimum wage and tipped wage increase for 2021 in NYS
My fees range from $2.50 to $5.00 depending on how far away they are. I keep $0.25 to $0.50 to cover reruns and any free deliveries. The third party providers charge more.
I started $2.50 delivery fee yesterday. So far no issue.

A quick little side story. Unbeknownst to my drivers I added an additional .50 for my drivers per delivery for gas compensation. My drivers keep track of their tips and know how much they owe or I owe them everynight.
I cash them out at the end of the night kind of expecting them to say something like hey I have an extra $15 bucks, you sure you did it right? But nothing
We start at $3 and up to $5 if you are on the fringe of our delivery area. We are $6 if delivering to a hotel. Split 50/50 with driver.