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What's your YELP rating?

a customer told me tonight we have a 4.1, i havn’t looked in a year, like December said " it adds to your stress level " who needs that, i’ve found people complain when we are slammed, we are doing the best we can, ya can’t please everyone so ya got to please yourself,
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We have 2 stores at 4 and the other 2 at 4.5. The 2 at 4 are scraping the 4.5 mark, their average rating is about 4.2. We get calls just about every day from people that saw us on Yelp and decided to try us out. We don’t have a lot of Yelp reviewers in Socal like NoCal has. You have almost as many reviews as us and we have been at this since before Yelp was even a thought in someones mind. Its a great tool for correcting issues in service and quality. I always address complaints and make adjustments in our systems. Our rating has gone up over the years because of that. If I could get those other 2 locations to a 4.5 I would be a happy man. Most of our bad reviews revolve around delivery area. People feel that we should delivery farther out.
Yes, NorCal is crazy about Yelp, as we witnessed last night. We got to 4 stars overall on Yelp yesterday morning. Being on Eat 24 and Grubhub in NorCal your business is ranked by your Yelp review status. Also, on Grubhub the more percentage of sales you pay them, the higher up you’re listed. We are now the top listed pizza place in SF on both sites and got absolutely murdered last night! Twice as many deliveries we’ve ever took in one day, beat the Super Bowl Sunday sales which was our previous sales record day, and a few nasty phone calls. The Power of Yelp in NorCal! Time to hire more staff.
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Alright, You guys got me curious enough, so I just looked up our rating on Yelp.
5 full red stars, Found a page from our previous location that has not been merged yet, and at 4.5
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Yelp is BS. We have a four star rating with two reviews that are two star. Some of these people have a bug up there butt or a black cloud over there head and are not happy until they make other people miserable. Non forgiving for the smallest thing. One posted a picture on our Yelp page that we can not remove unless we become a PAID Yelp advertiser and pay several hundred a month and then we will gain access to remove the picture. Two five star reviews they show as non recomended. Who is Yelp, are they the Mob?
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3.5 and I could really care less how a couple haters and the fact I don’t pay them might affect me
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Yelp idiots
Just received a five star review and where did Yelp place it, non recomended reviews.
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Yelp. Ugh.

I have a one star review where the guy bashes the hell out of my phone operator calling him a moron, a complete idiot and a “total dipshit” essentially saying nothing really else other than just thrashing the fact that we removed an item from our menu and it’s somehow our phone guys fault.

Naturally, I take huge offense when someone bashes my staff and contacted yelp about the fact the review was pointless and just straight mean. They said, in a nutshell, people can say whatever they want. I don’t know why I assumed that offensive language was against the rules, but I guess it isn’t.

I personally prefer tripadvisor (if I would have to I guess). Their system just seems better and I’ve had useless reviews removed by simply emailing them.
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Short answer, Do not know, nor do i care.

I have never bought into the concept of Yelp. I have to question any business that provides for “free” advertising for me. And the number of complaints i have read about this company, i would never do business with them.
Ignore them at your own risk. You don’t have to do business with them, but be aware that potential customers are addicted to both Yelp ratings and individual comments posted by the public on the Yelp site.
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Ignore them at your own risk. You don’t have to do business with them, but be aware that potential customers are addicted to both Yelp ratings and individual comments posted by the public on the Yelp site.
I have no choice but to pay daily attention to it being in SF. I even pay for Yelp Ads simply so I can be in control of pictures posted. To make it worse, delivery apps like Eat 24 and grubhub in SF rank you by Yelp rating on their sites. My place flips back and forth between 3.5 and 4 stars overall as we’re on the border. So far from my observations, we do an extra 20% in sales when rated 4 stars. That’s a big deal for a new small biz.
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Here is the Kickstarter for the movie Joe linked in case you’d like to donate: Billion Dollar Bully.
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