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Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

Time to move to Canada me thinks šŸ˜›
Nah, Iā€™ll happily pay for my health insurance in order to enjoy winter in Florida(74 degrees F right now). Plus, What does cheese cost in Canada right now? Iā€™m pretty sure my $1.70/Lb cheese more than covers the health insurance costs compared to the $3 or $4 it would cost in Canada.
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Well CO is even to warm for me, and i wasnā€™t saying i would open a pizza place their. Just wanting to move further north, the health insurance is just a bonus šŸ™‚
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Last year or this year (i forget), Colorado had a ballot to replace the ACA with statewide medicare for all. Yes it would have increased taxes, but everyone living in the state would have been covered. It failed, not badly.

Would have preferred to have it pass, then all my employeeā€™s would have health insurance and we could stop this cycle of them waiting until itā€™s to late to go see a doctor to fix something.
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all my employeeā€™s would have health insurance
Under the ACA most of your employees qualify for the ACA subsidyā€¦ A married couple can make up to about $64,000 and get the subsidy. They should be covered now. The problem is for people that make too much to qualify for the subsidy but can not afford to pay for the absurd premiums.
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Under the ACA most of your employees qualify for the ACA subsidyā€¦ A married couple can make up to about $64,000 and get the subsidy. They should be covered now.
A few weeks ago I was checking on the ACA cost for my son. As a 25 year old earning $26,000/year he qualified for a free bronze plan. After seeing this I started asking my employees if they had insurance. Out of 42 employees, I have a dozen or so who are on their parents plan, a few on their spouses plan from their work, a few on an individual ACA plan, one with VA benifits and the rest uninsured. I explained to those that were uninsured that they could likely qualify for free insurance but I doubt a single one did. Itā€™s not important enough for them to spend 30 minutes setting up an account.
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I havenā€™t read up on the new ā€œtaxā€ law that was just passed, but i know Trump already cut subsidy payments for the ACA. Last i remember hearing there was possibly a lawsuit in the works to get the money restored.
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I havenā€™t read up on the new ā€œtaxā€ law that was just passed, but i know Trump already cut subsidy payments for the ACA. Last i remember hearing there was possibly a lawsuit in the works to get the money restored.
It takes out the employee mandate but I donā€™t know when that starts. I have a lot of people that will be happy about that.

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i know Trump already cut subsidy payments for the ACA.
No, I donā€™t think that is accurate. He cut out 90% of the marketing to let people know what is available and shortened the enrollment period:

In the most recent tax bill they cut the mandate/penalties for being uninsured. Personally, I think that is idiotic. People who do not have insurance SHOULD pay something. When they show up at the emergency room everyone else ends up paying. Also, under the ACA medical bankruptcies dropped 50% which was another way the uninsured passed along medical expenses to everyone else.

Employees who are passing up FREE ACA coverage are just being stupid.
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This is what i was referring to, i am to tired to see if there has been any updates yet to it.

ā€œThe administration announced late Thursday night that it would immediately stop supporting the cost-sharing subsidies that reimburse insurers for reducing the deductibles and co-pays of lower-income Obamacare enrollees. Trump has been paying the subsidies on a month-to-month basis, unnerving many insurers.ā€
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The problem is for people that make too much to qualify for the subsidy but can not afford to pay for the absurd premiums.

Much like the medicaid/medicare situation, I believe.
In NH, if you have more than $2500 you are ineligible. $2500?
So if you are destitute or homeless, you are able to get help, if you have tw0 nickels to rub together, you are SOL.
A lifetime of planning and saving, wiped out.
Dealing with the madness of this country with my mom who is 86.
Not sure how we got here, but itā€™s sickening and embarrasing.
ā€œShamefulā€ is the best word, I suppose.
I know we are mixing some different issues here, but it all falls under the umbrella of a shameful health care system.
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One of the issues with changing the system is that the majority of the nation is happy with their health care. Upwards of 65% and that number includes people that donā€™t have any. Itā€™s going to be difficult to get 65% of the population to change something they like.

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Iā€™m dreading this. I get insurance through my wife and she isnā€™t going back to work after maternity leave. I started looking and a family of 4 the policy would run $18,000 a year

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Iā€™m dreading this. I get insurance through my wife and she isnā€™t going back to work after maternity leave. I started looking and a family of 4 the policy would run $18,000 a year

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Still not bad for 4 people.

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Iā€™m dreading this. I get insurance through my wife and she isnā€™t going back to work after maternity leave. I started looking and a family of 4 the policy would run $18,000 a year

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Still not bad for 4 people.

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Iā€™m dreading this. I get insurance through my wife and she isnā€™t going back to work after maternity leave. I started looking and a family of 4 the policy would run $18,000 a year
Depending on your needs and ability to cover a large expense if you must, there are now non-compliant plans that are a lot cheaper. We are in the midst of enrollment for a plan that will cost us $500 per month (I am 57 and my wife is 60). Huge deductible ($15,000) and co-pay if we have medical expensesā€¦ We are also getting an accident policy with $500 deductible that covers the first $15,000 of expenses so that takes care of the deductible on the major medical plan.

We can cover the deductible and co-pay expenses of a brain tumor or cancer if we must so my concern was more with the higher probability accident coverage. If we had covered our kids too it would still have been less than 10K per year.
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