Where havemy customers gone? Anyone else DEAD?


New member
My sales are R E A L L Y S L O W this week… anyone else in my boat??

Sales are down almost $1,000 thru this time last week and 26% down from the average of my last 7 weeks.
Not that I WANT anyone in my boat…I hope someone is busy, but misery loves company.

I’m stressed out!!!
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How are sales compared to last year same week? That is more important than how they compare to the last 7 weeks. The seasons vary.
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How are sales compared to last year same week? That is more important than how they compare to the last 7 weeks. The seasons vary.
Geez, when you put it that way, we are doing just fine for the month, and the week is about the same. Makes me feel better since I was feeling a little pressure about sales dipping some. But we are ahead of last year October by about 6%. That’s with some events coming up and Friday Halloween. We should be a bit more than that ahead at month end.

Gotta get some marketing efforts out this week and/or next.
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