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Who is going to Pizza Expo?


Staff member
I will be there and would like to meet up with other TT members.
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Been considering going again but I have my reservations. Used to go to the major restaurant shows in LA every year but they have been getting progressively worse. How has the pizza show been last few years? Vendor participation? Is it really worth it or is the internet just replaced the need?
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This will be just the third year out of 14 as an owner where I do not go. We have other vacation plans coming up so we decided to skip Expo this year. It is definitely worth going for anyone who hasn’t been recently. At least up till last year, the vendor list seemed to be continually growing. They do a great job with the seminars. I would highly recommend a few less hours on the blackjack tables and a few more hours at the seminars. As far as hotels, the one year that I stayed at the Hilton was the year I got the most out of the show. It’s great to be able to walk from your room to the show in just a few minutes. If you’ll be staying elsewhere on the strip, stay somewhere with a monorail stop. Trying to get a cab out of the convention center at closing time can sometimes take well over an hour. Buy an unlimited ride pass for the monorail instead.
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Planned on going but money went on re-fit and loss of sales for the 2 weeks we were closed. Add to the misery sales are deplorable since Christmas so any chance for the trip (even a holiday) are now on hold. :cry:
Maybe next year ???
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define worth it. I need this. I don’t treat myself to that much relaxation. I can not tell you how much I am just looking forward to it. I put off buying a few things we need just so I feel good buying at the show. I do learn somethings at the seminars. I meet people like daddio and steve…sorry again steve 😦
I use this time to make connections with sources and I am always looking for ideas that will make myself unique.
got the plane ticket but still not sure where I am staying…I like to stay somewhere different every time…DON’T STAY AT HOOTERS…sucked
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We just opened up a delco for the first time, so this may be a good idea for us. I would like to meet other TT members there as well!
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I will be going! It will be my first expo… Any tips?
  • Wear comfortable walking shoes 😃
    Read over the seminar outline before you go to make sure you budget your time.
    Attend the Beer and Bull Sessions
    Talk to everyone that you can. Other operators are a gold mine of information
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George Mills:
Hi Guys:

We will have booth 925 at Pizza Expo. Stop in.
J&G Mills Equipment

George Mills
George I have you on my list of must see people.
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My wife and i just booked today. I’m looking forward to soaking up some knowledge for a few days. However, I think 4 days in Vegas is about my limit before I hit sensory overload.

See you all there!
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MPP will be there at Booth #1244.

We’ll have a fully staffed booth and are excited to talk about Pizza marketing, advertising, or anything else. Please stop by and say hello!
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My wife and I will be there, it’s our 4th year. We really enjoy the beer and bull sesion it’s nice to hear what other pizzerias are doing, it’s also a good place to meet other owners.

Mike and Gayle
Fratellis Pizza
So California
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I’ll be there again this year making a couple of presentations; One on things you need to know about gluten-free, and the other will be a Q&A session, plus I’ll be participating on one of the panel discussions. Check the schedule for times and room numbers.
Be sure to look me up.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Always a GREAT time. I will definitely be there and would like to meet up with everyone. Is there a specific time and place?
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Pizza Tony:
Always a GREAT time. I will definitely be there and would like to meet up with everyone. Is there a specific time and place?
How about the Wednesday Beer & Bull North east corner of the room? That way we can stay for the Rockin Party after.
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I received passes for me, my wife, my brother and an owner of one of our other locations in the mail yesterday. We never registered this year as we decided not to go for the first time in quite a few years. I’ve got no idea why the sent them.
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I received passes for me, my wife, my brother and an owner of one of our other locations in the mail yesterday. We never registered this year as we decided not to go for the first time in quite a few years. I’ve got no idea why the sent them.
Check the zip code on the envelope they came in … probably Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada.
Richard is trying to get as many people to drink with him at the B&B 😛
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