Who is open Christmas?


New member
Domino’s is the only pizza place open on Christmas day in my area. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe Tom approves… If you are open, please, tell me WHY?

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Christmas is the only day of the year that I am closed. In my younger(single) days, I would have opened if I had some staff to work with. There are plenty of people looking for a place to eat, and practically no one open. It’s a great chance to get new people to try you and steal them from your competitors. People thought I was nuts to open Thanksgiving, but it amounted to a $1700 day. Out of 112 orders, over 40 orders were to first time customers.
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Paul, how does that 1700 compare to a normal Thursday for you and in your experience what percentage of sales will a Christmas day allow of a normal day? I’ve thought about opening on Christmas this year… I could use the extra revenue.
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But at what cost? MOST people don’t want to work on Christmas day. Do you piss off your staff for a few dollars? I don’t think it’s worth it.


p.s. Why close for Christmas and not Easter?
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gave the option to staff open 5 hrs they split 25% of sales reg price no coupon no delivery
both stores will be open
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holy crap paul, 112 orders for 1700??

if i did 112 orders i would be at like 3000.

I wish i could do that many orders.
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We are closed all holidays.

We were open for xmas eve the first year and decided this business consumes enough of our lives. Holidays help our family “feel normal”

We also are closed Sunday…so we can have one day of rest and worship.

Odd isn’t it Russ that everyone closes Christmas and not Easter.

Merry Christmas!

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Heck, I am going to check this Christmas and see who is open. If they are all closed, I will be open next year for football and food.
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We actually have closed on Easter as well, we’re in an area where religious is big…We’ve always closed for Christmas, and closed early on Christmas Eve.
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Are some of you guys related to Ebenezer Scrooge,lol. We always close on Thanksgiving & Christmas and early on Christmas Eve. Yes we all are in it to make money,but is closing 1 or 2 days a year really going to break you. My employees do a wonderful job all year round the deserve to spend the holidays with there family.
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I close every Tuesday anyway.
Christmas and New Years day falls on Tuesday this year,
We will close after the lunch rush on Christmas eve and all Christmas day. We also are closed Easter and Thanksgiving. It may sound crazy, but in my town it’s worth it to close early new years eve and all new years day. We actually have our Christmas party late new years day.
Not all of them have family. And many around here are not Christian. We have large Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist communities with the local university near us. I won’t open if it means forcing people to work. But if they want to, I may decide to stay open. This is definitely an employee option.
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We are also closed all holidays (incl. Easter) and EVERY Sunday

This year we will be closed SUN - TUE for this week and next week.

I can’t wait!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!
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We are closed Christmas.

But we are actively searching for businesses that might want to place a large order with us for Christmas Day.

On Thanksgiving we had a Target order 30 pies for the crew that was working overnight getting ready for Black Friday. So we’ve been calling all of the box store HRs and Managers letting them know we’d come in and fire up the ovens if they want to do something nice for their employees having to work on a holiday.

I hope someone takes us up on it. We could use the sales and its not a bad deal to come in for an hour and half and make $300.
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We are closed from the 23rd until the 2th, but thats because we are in a college town. Since its the holidays everyone has gotten out of town and its not worth being open. Once we do open back on the 28th we wont open til 6PM but we will keep our normal closing times of 230 and 330AM. Unfortunately our sales live and die by the tides of the students.
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We close Easter, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, and the Fourth of July. To us, business is important, but family is far more important. It seems like our customers just come in on different days those weeks, because at the end of the week it is usually pretty much the same.
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We close at 9pm Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day.

This year we are also closing the 26th (Boxing Day - public holiday) as I haven’t had a day off for some time now and my son flies in from interstate that night.

WOW - 2 days off in a row.

Just for the record we will be having a heatwave 38 degrees Celsius (about 102 Fh) for Christmas Day and 35 for Boxing Day. Cold beer and lots of time in the pool. :lol:

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