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Who is YOUR most frustrating repeat customer?

I hope you realize that I do respect your opinion, even though I still disagree about posting about the tougher ones.

For me, it is better to vent HERE, than to internalize it…so I hope any of you realize that I was wanting this thread to be a “positive outlet” for us to vent, not to be a get nasty session. LOL

I would like to remind those that do share…as another poster did…these people could look us up on the internet…and so I personally would refrain from using names…just in case.

TD…I do agree with your sentiments…however, these actions you are saying “could come about” I think would happen whether we talked about it here or not…so please understand that I am not disrespecting you or your opinion.

I think we’re all already learning from the thread, which is what I wanted in the first place. To share and learn.
I think the term ‘frustrating repeat customer’ is an oxymoron.

Repeat customers are the most valuable asset a company has. I don’t know how anyone else feels, but I don’t appreciate threads created around making fun of, complaining about or bashing customers that buy from us and keep us in business.

Just my opinion. 8)
I think you guys are the ones that need to relax. If a repeat customer is ‘frustrating’ you, you might want to look deeper into the reasoning for your frustration.

The last thing I said was it was “Just my opinion.” Whether you agree or disagree you should at least respect my opinion.

It’s just not something that I do. I certainly don’t let my employees do it.

This board belongs to all of us, just as our opinions do. It is my belief that when it comes to negative comments or complaining about customers, thoughts become words, words become action. If you allow yourself to believe it’s ok to think of how ‘frustrating’ a repeat customer is, you’ll soon allow yourself to believe it’s ok to talk or write about how ‘frustating’ a repeat customer is and before you know it, the next time they’re staring at the menu even though they know what’s on it, they’ll be able to see your frustration in your face and body language.
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I have followed this emag for several years now. I have read alot of posts about customers… The independent operators are ,quite often, cynical toward their customers. Moreover, it also seems the more successful the more outrageously cynical. I could be wrong on this observation it’s just my opinion.

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My partner and I are modeling the spirit of our service after a great independent Mexican food restaurant here in town. The owner of La Familia, a short bald guy named Al Cavazos, always shakes your hand when you come in. He has battled cancer and is getting on in years, but he or one of his sons are still there to shake your hand when you come through the door. Simply a wonderful place and a wonderful attitude.
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