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Who oils their dough trays? And Who does not?

12,000 at one location?? Or all?

Beautiful machine… Looked into renting but the prices are just too high.
All 4 locations combined. We don’t wash the dough trays in stores any longer. Huge labor savings. And since we are moving to $15 hour minimum we need all the labor savings we can get.

I just bought a rt900 dough rounder that will be in next week. That should knock off another 40 hours a week.

The funny part is that no is upset that they are loosing hours. They are all happy that they have less work to do.
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The funny part is that no is upset that they are loosing hours. They are all happy that they have less work to do.
Lets see how quickly their attitude changes as all associated prices inflate to make up for that obnoxious minimum wage…

Our state just passed a drug testing bill for those collecting unemployment, Gotta love Wisconsin
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We use aluminum sheet pans and oil them we flip the dough balls on each side on the trays so we don’t need to brush them at the end. Our dough balls touch if they sit in the cooler for an extra day. We use ice cold water so it helps dramatically in keeping the dough balls from spreading too much. Let us know your findings.

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After 1 week of testing at 1 location I have decided to continue to spray the trays with non stick spray. Not spraying the trays made no difference in the dough balls spreading out into each other. It made it more difficult to remove the dough balls and slowed down production. It was lose-lose.
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We don’t use oil in the boxes at all, and we just scoop the dough balls out with a plastic scraper. Any excess dough scraps can be wiped out later so cleaning is a snap.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I do not oil my trays. Being a mobile pizza truck, the oil makes them slide into each other. Not good. I do however oil the tops and I use plastic wrap to keep them from drying out (or crusty) then cross stack until the next day when I stack the trays back on each other so no balls get squished when traveling.
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No non-stick spray in the store. Can’t stand the stuff. I guess it takes a moment to get the doughball out of the tray with a single swipe of the scraper but I have a hard time imagining that this adds any time to the make-line. We are talking what 1-2 seconds? No way that would save me a person. Since we hand wash the trays the time savings for washing not having oily trays is huge. We do not do the volume some of you guys do but 35-40 trays a day when we are busy is not unusual.
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I’ve tried oil and no oil but not really to keep the dough balls from touching as much as to keep them from drying out. I hated washing the oil out of the tray so we stopped oiling things.

Also, we do a 72 hour cold ferment and our balls never look as blown as that pic unless they go back into the cooler from being left out for a shift or two… But man we can hold a ton of balls in each tray… Different recipe of course…
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Pirate, you use the exact same dough trays we use. I buy dough and they dont oil the dough balls or dough trays. The only time the dough comes up flawlessly is if the dough trays were treated like gold(no scrubbing with steel wool or putting dirty knives, pots and pans in them) I say that bc your trays in the picture look like theyve been around the block like the ones they use at the dough company. But man youre so busy to save labor you should open a commisarry
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Pirate, you use the exact same dough trays we use. I buy dough and they dont oil the dough balls or dough trays. The only time the dough comes up flawlessly is if the dough trays were treated like gold(no scrubbing with steel wool or putting dirty knives, pots and pans in them) I say that bc your trays in the picture look like theyve been around the block like the ones they use at the dough company. But man youre so busy to save labor you should open a commisarry
That tray is probably a good 10 years old. I have some that are 20. We did open a central commisarry 2 months ago. We have reduced labor hours by 800 hours a month. But I’m trying to get to 1000 hours a month. My dough rounder comes in Tuesday. That may put us over the top.
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