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Who's OPEN on the 4th of July this year?


New member
Usually we close for the 4th of July, but this year it falls on a Friday…
So who is deciding to stay open?
And what do you expect the sales to be like?
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Good question would like to hear some thoughts myself will probably be open seeing as it is a Friday but not open till 4 the rest of the weekend!
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dont know yet but will probally close due to everyone cooking out and having family get togehers we will probally go off roading and join the masses.
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The last time we opened July 4th, it fell on a Friday. Since this is usually our “money” day, we opened at 10:30am as usual. We were so dead all day, it was unbelievable. We closed around 6pm because the phones weren’t ringing and there was no walk-in traffic.

We now close every July 4th, no matter the day of the week. I always check the caller id the next morning, and usually have 15-20 calls for the entire day. We allow our employees to have a day to go to the lake, picnic, or enjoy their family however they choose. Not to mention it gives us a well deserved day off without worrying if everybody will show up for work on a holiday.
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Open usual hours. Will probably be 10-20% slower than usual. I’ve tried closing on holidays…all I do is piss off my die hard once or twice a week regulars, and nothing is worth messing with that.

I’ll probably give my first string guys off, and let the second string guys have a chance. that lowers labor cost as well.
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We are in a tourist market. The 4th is buiig tourist draw (old fashioned downtown parade, fireworks, BBQ, rodeo). Tourists need to eat. The 4th is pretty good business. Open for sure.
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People in our town go to a town like yours for festivities 😦

Nt sure if we are going to try to capture some business with a thinner staff that night.
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Our locations close two days a year. Thanksgiving and Christmas days. We close early Christmas eve. Thanksgiving eve and Christmas eve are two big pizza sell days for us, I think it’s because everyone is so tired of creating the big feasts they want a break. July 4th is slow at three of our locations however the fourth is directly across the street from the local highschool where the fireworks are shown. The show brings in people from three nearby towns who think that my restaurants parking lot is easy viewing. We started educating people with buy a large one topping pizza at full price and you can stay in the parking lot for the show, otherwise we will have you towed. Yes I have been called everything but my name, but they either buy or leave. Can you believe one guy pulled in set up his hot dog sales on his tail gate and sent his kids in to ask for napkins, water and bathroom services. When told he had to leave he made threats and was towed. Never came back. :lol: