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Who's using an awesome pepperoni??

We are and according to the newest price for a 25# case our supplier thinks so too. Every meat company has several varieties to choose from. Thickness, cupping, fat content all make a difference in price and quality.
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We pay 3.39 lb for hormel performance pepperoni. Much improved from the della vita stuff we used to get, we used just over 700lbs of pepperoni last month at my shop
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The name is Ezzo and I’ll send you a box tomorrow
I have been interested in trying your product for some time. I have a pizzeria in Perry, NY which is between Rochester and Buffalo, do you have distribution in this area?
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You do you realize that you responded to a 2 year old thread??
I am not sure if they do, but I would love to try it again and do some taste testing with my customers, or even offer it on a limited time pizza to trial run it

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You do you realize that you responded to a 2 year old thread??
With Ezzo pepperoni at stake, it could be a 200 year old thread and no one would care once they try it. Ezzo is top of the food chain for pepperoni, case closed.
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I am not sure if they do, but I would love to try it again and do some taste testing with my customers, or even offer it on a limited time pizza to trial run it

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I sent your shop info to my brother, He’ll get ahold of you and send samples. Sysco Cleveland is carrying many of our products as well.
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I’d like to sample it after all the good things I’ve heard about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m gonna send out some samples and if you like it we’ll get you hooked up with Penn Mac! I’ll send this to Mars monday morning, you’ll have it by noon tuesday.
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