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Why is no one talking about the price of cheese?

Good article, thanks for posting 314. What’s saving these farmers is contract pricing. The price of cheese is crazy low for us restaurant owners via our distributors who use market prices to determine what we’re charged, however large grocers have contract pricing thus why the price of cheese hasn’t moved much in the grocery stores for everyday consumers. Enjoy it while you can!
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so much for low cheese prices, been going up again for weeks!! hopefully it doesnt go up past what it was and eat all the profits from the first half of the year!!
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Not sure I would say we have had crazy low prices… For me that means under $1.50. Most of this year we were paying about $1.85 although recently it has been $1.65 which is very nice.

When I saw the CME move a couple of weeks ago we brought in enough for all of July and we are topping that off as long as the price continues to rise.
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If i had the space, i would have bought as much i could afford to. But alas i have no extra room anywhere 😦
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What should the price be now for a quality low moisture mozzarella. I was just quoted 2.83 for arrizio shreaded. Seems high with the CME at 1.67 who is the best supplier for cheese?
I like US Foods, but I’ve had good Sysco experiences too. I’m paying 1.86/lb for block this week. They’re typically 20 cents over market. 2.83 is bullshit. You’d be better off buying block and grinding your own cheese.
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