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Why is PMQ spamming my email?

My name is Jennie Neu of Gorilla Cards. PMQ has already informed us that they won’t do it again for us or anyone else. Please don’t be mad at them. The keytag’s were priced with the worse case scenario in mind. We do free artwork including logo’s and was anticipating minimum orders. We don’t charge copy change charges or anything.
We really want to be the preferred supplier to the pizza industry and here we have angered you guys on our first contact!
Please, please forgive us, it will not happen again!

If you would like to give us a chance after all please call me, Jennie Neu at 1-877-289-7357 and I will personally apologize and give you a really great price on keytag’s or fund raising cards.
Let me apologize and earn your business!
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In your opinion, what is the best way to contact Pizza Restaurants when you really do have something useful? Do you read junk mail? Ads in trade journals? How do you find new suppliers or better prices?
Paper Guy you asked the “Million Dollar Question”…Marketing costs are huge (over 12% for me last year) and must be recovered in the price of the goods sold…I do not “spam” but because it has the lowest cost, it gets pretty hard to compete with the “spammers”…My clients for the most want a competitive price, however, I have to spend too much money to gain clients to be the most competive out there…
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It would be nice if the admin could add user titles so that we could have “Vendor”, “Owner”, etc. under their username.
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The email didn’t get me upset. I’m always looking for new ideas to kick the other guys a$$. If the TT would let us opt-in to recieve emails, i think that would be great.Some would, others would not. I’m busy and don’t get alot of time any more to go to shows( bought land to build a shopping strip on)so I use the TT at night to help me brainstorm new ideas.What
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The email didn’t get me upset. I’m always looking for new ideas to kick the other guys a$$. If the TT would let us opt-in to recieve emails, i think that would be great.Some would, others would not. I’m busy and don’t get alot of time any more to go to shows( bought land to build a shopping strip on)so I use the TT at night to help me brainstorm new ideas.What
You hit the nail right on the head there was no chance to opt in or out in this case. Maybe there should be a system in place that would be from [email protected] rather than webmaster @
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The email didn’t get me upset. I’m always looking for new ideas to kick the other guys a$$. If the TT would let us opt-in to recieve emails, i think that would be great.Some would, others would not. I’m busy and don’t get alot of time any more to go to shows( bought land to build a shopping strip on)so I use the TT at night to help me brainstorm new ideas.What
You hit the nail right on the head there was no chance to opt in or out in this case. Maybe there should be a system in place that would be from [email protected] rather than webmaster @
The community, wealth of information and detail for zero cost is worth it’s weight in gold. Simply put, if you’re looking for a system to be put in place, it might be wise to invest in a pay board as opposed to a free board.

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The email didn’t get me upset. I’m always looking for new ideas to kick the other guys a$$. If the TT would let us opt-in to recieve emails, i think that would be great.Some would, others would not. I’m busy and don’t get alot of time any more to go to shows( bought land to build a shopping strip on)so I use the TT at night to help me brainstorm new ideas.What
You hit the nail right on the head there was no chance to opt in or out in this case. Maybe there should be a system in place that would be from [email protected] rather than webmaster @
The community, wealth of information and detail for zero cost is worth it’s weight in gold. Simply put, if you’re looking for a system to be put in place, it might be wise to invest in a pay board as opposed to a free board.

Pizza Diva
The point I was trying to make in that last post was: PMQ could give an option to opt in or out of advertisers sending information but not under the webmasters email address. I have email accounts set up to receive that type of information and like to be able to filter what come in to my main address.

The email in question here did not come to the account that is accessible in my profile for anyone who visits this board to contact me, it came in on my account that I gave PMQ as a professional contact. Had the email in question come to the account here on the board from the keytaggirls address or even anything but the webmasters address this would have been a non issue.

It has been said this is much ado about nothing. So this is the last time I will post in this thread.
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I never got the email.

There’s not some way that individual emails can be found out by a spammer without PMQ selling them, is there?

I just find it fishy that some got it, and some didn’t.

I can’t remember when I registered…but I do not own a pizza biz…are the only ones that received this owner/ops, or is someone watching to see how many people consistently post that are owner ops talk, and then spamming them directly?

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There’s not some way that individual emails can be found out by a spammer without PMQ selling them, is there?
Sure there is. Log out, then look at a topic. See the “email” button? Put your mouse over it and you’ll see the email address. Now, edit, view source. Edit, find, type in that email address. Did you find it? Well, it’s public, it’s available to anyone with READ access (and since you were logged out, that proves ANONYMOUSLY too).

Can I create an email with a fake from address? ABSOLUTELY!

Having said all of that, I have no information on this particular email message at all, but you asked if it could be done, and yes, it can – easily.
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There’s not some way that individual emails can be found out by a spammer without PMQ selling them, is there?
Sure there is. Log out, then look at a topic. See the “email” button? Put your mouse over it and you’ll see the email address. Now, edit, view source. Edit, find, type in that email address. Did you find it? Well, it’s public, it’s available to anyone with READ access (and since you were logged out, that proves ANONYMOUSLY too).

Can I create an email with a fake from address? ABSOLUTELY!

Having said all of that, I have no information on this particular email message at all, but you asked if it could be done, and yes, it can – easily.
In your profile, change “Always show my e-mail address:” to NO and you won’t have an “e-mail” icon at all. Look at this post and you will not see an “e-mail” icon for my screen name.

You can, of course, send a private message, which is essentially a type of e-mail.
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ThinkTankers!!! PMQ is not sending this email to you. Official statement to follow. We do apologize.
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I just received an email from PMQ advertizing a third party product. I take offense to this. I am ok with supplemental ads on informational emails but this was a blatant advertisement with no other purpose. I did not provide my email address to PMQ to get SPAM.
PMQ sincerely apologizes to anyone who has received unsolicited emails today regarding advertising contracts. Our IT director is currently working to solve this problem. All signs point to malware being sent outside of our system. More information on this is available at TechHelpList. Please do not open an email with the subject: 2015 PMQ Agreement.
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Hm, this thread is from 2008. Who here currently received this “2015 PMQ Agreement”?
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