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Wife suggested I open a restaurant...

I’m stubborn in that I want to open what I want to open, serve what I want to serve, and do it as I want to do it. That’s a HUGE recipe for failure. I just don’t think it’s prudent for me to open the place with my mindset rather than the mindset of “do what the customers want, when they want, and how they want”.
I feel that if you can’t open the store that you want in the market you’re in, you should seek out another market. Doing what the customers want, when they want and how they want is a recipe for you to be miserable. What’s the point if it’s not going to be YOUR shop? Wouldn’t you just have another job?

I opened a business to be independent. I don’t want people telling me how to do it. We have a high-end product at a high-end price that most markets probably wouldn’t go for, so I found a market that would. Actually, I moved 1,500 miles to open in this market.

I think you have to do what you’re passionate about, and do it brilliantly. That’s not to say there won’t be some minor tweaks to local demands; there will be. But I don’t think you should tweak your entire vision just for the sake of opening. I really like this business with the shop that I have, but I’d be miserable if I owned a Pizza Hut or Domino’s.
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